I'm excited about the tutorials. Are you talking about Vue tutorials? If so, how much longer are we to wait? I desperately need to understand how to better take my SU models into Vue and render. Your work is top notch as always .
I'm excited about the tutorials. Are you talking about Vue tutorials? If so, how much longer are we to wait? I desperately need to understand how to better take my SU models into Vue and render. Your work is top notch as always .
I find myself saying the same thing about your work every time I see it, it's fantastic! You really blew through this one and it looks great. I hope your client thinks you worked on it all night long.
It's a render! I think the haziness in the background is not as real as it could be.
This is an awesome set of tools, soooo nice Appreciate the time and effort into such quality tools, thank you! I'm having lots of fun with this.
This is some incredible work, soooo nice. I want to see more of your work!
Oh my, it was just having the terrain turned on...duh! Makes perfect sense, I would have never noticed that since I never turn the terrain off. Glad to know that's figured out.
Glen, are you not seeing the elevation info at all? This is the GE build that I'm currently using (5.0.11337.1968 (beta)
Glenn, I noticed the same thing. I always used that elevation feature. It is there, it's on the right of the Lat-Long info at the bottom and the default is set to meters, to set it to feet go to the the Tools menu then options and in the 3D view tab you can check the elevation radial buttons. Hope that helps!
Nice work Jason ! I'm really curious about how much time you spent on this? Fabulous modeling work I must say.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I believe the second image is a photograph of one of Neoshed's Sheds and not a rendered model. The first one is very nice, it looks like a rendered model. Neoshed, come on back and let us know, I'm dying to find out.
Hey this is pretty cool. I can see this being very useful when I have a DTM and need to better understand the high and low points, I think that would work anyway. I need to try it out.
Wow! I like this style a lot. Nice work Richard.
This is fantastic work, nice job! All of your different design ideas reminds me of what we do all the time, thumbnail sketches of design ideas for the same subject.
So very nice as always. Revised perspective much better, I'm agreeing with everyone else that there is something wrong with the perspective on the second one. I really like the texture you have going.
Frederik, great suggestion. I agree the lights would be nice, especially if you give them that softer look like the sample.
Want them back also!
I like it a lot Jason. You always do great work. I love the green furniture on the left and the nice orange glow on the right. You have created a "mood" for sure.
Here in Provo Utah it's about 31 degrees Fahrenheit @ 2:40 p.m., not to shabby.
I'm not an expert by any means but you should be able to use a Subdomain, right? I know that my web host lets you define subdomains. I could be way off on this.