Shoot, I'm now on my work computer and cannot view the new 3D PDF, so I'm downloading the latest Acrobat reader.
Thanks Joe! I'll be checking it out soon.
Shoot, I'm now on my work computer and cannot view the new 3D PDF, so I'm downloading the latest Acrobat reader.
Thanks Joe! I'll be checking it out soon.
Great work! The gazebo will look great over that bar area. I have always enjoyed checking out your work.
The 3D PDF is very cool, works pretty slick.
@unknownuser said:
I disagree with those that think the methods used to create the Kapow and Phoomph images are not acceptable for this forum and if no specific guidelines exist to the contrary than they should be created so that this does not occur in the future without a documented guideline to fall back on as a reference for acceptable or unacceptable posts.
I 100% Agree! Well said Phil.
WOW! It may seem as though I'm blowing this out of proportion, I'm not! As I have been writing, I have been chuckling at the same time because I have not run into this sort of thing being an issue at all. Believe me, I truly understand and agree with not posting images that are strictly modeled in programs that are not SU, what would be the point, take those to the proper forums. This issue is really not a problem, Biebel retrieved a model from Google Sketchup 3D Warehouse, used SU in composition and rendered with Sketchup Podium, seems fitting for the forum.
Also, for all I know maybe myself and others have retrieved something from the 3D warehouse or the various other means without knowing the origin of the original modeling and posted it! BIG DEAL, it may happen. I give credit to Biebel for not just claiming it was modeled in SU as I'm sure there may be some that due, hopefully not. I really don't mind the idea of a model taken from another program into SU, then rendered with Podium, as long as the person posting discloses what he has done. Or possibly the rule should be no other models except SU models, not sure. I have never posted in the SU Community forums models that were made with other programs, this is really not a concern for me. What is a concern for me is Biebel, I would also be disappointed to see him not post his work, I to am inspired by his work. Whatever works out I'm sure it will all be good.
I thought you would! Bottom Line, Its stupid to stop in and act like something so terrible has happened, IT'S THE RENDER GALLERY! Place a strict rule for everyone to read about not posting anything modeled in any other program except SU, it won't matter because most everyone here post something that has to do with SU in one form or another. This is just snobbish. Loosen up!
Edit: It's hard core attitudes like this that turn so many off from enjoying this type of interaction with other that have similar interest. Really, lets stop this silliness!
First of all, this is SILLY, really SILLY. The last time I checked, there were starving children in the world, meaning much more time and effort should be placed on more important matters, not this. Second, Phil is quite clear in his opinion and I like his reasonings. This type of "fine line issue" is just way to darn critical for me. Sounds to me like some people have become way to haughty in their sketchup attitude.
I have a few more podium images to look at here. I produced them on my laptop at home and they looked bright enough, but they are not. They need to be lightened up a bit. I'm really loving Podium, I have a ways to go, but I'm having fun.
I have followed the instructions, and the only thing I cannot figure out is why there is no "Hypercosm Applet" to choose in Power Point under Object? I have been able to export my model to the Hypercosm. Any suggestions. I'm using Power Point 2003.
This is really cool, I'm going to test it out when I get to work tomorrow, I would now except I do not have power point on this computer.
Thats great Tinanne. The development is a pretty good size, I would imagine they need a number of renderings. I occasionally check there site to see the latest with the project.
This is so very nice. I really like your stuff, good work. Not stiff, I like it when people can take sketchup (a bit "hard" if you will) and soften it up with some more art like style. This is very clean.
Thanks Tinanne. I was browsing the Sand Hollow Resort website a while ago and noticed your work, very nice as always.
Thank's guys. I realize I need to step it up and do some more, using podium is pretty fun I must say. Not a bad little plugin.
I have finally been able to play around more with podium and have some simple images I created quickly. It was Ross and Eric lay who lit the fire for me, they have been doing some great podium renders. I posted them on my blog, not to big of a deal but I'll try to do more. Check them out.