lejzidejzi - 1.49.02 was never released, and is a pirated version. Please upgrade to the latest version of V-Ray, in order to get access to a 64bit version of our product. The 4gb patch that you guys are talking about, just turns on LARGEADDRESSAWARE, which is on by default in SketchUp 2014 or later. SketchUp 7,8, and 2013 did not have this turned on, and in that case, this patch could hack the SketchUp executable to access up to 4gb of memory (golf clap), but the 64bit version can access more memory than any workstation can possibly have for the next 5 years. Please do not attempt to hack the very outdated 1.49.02 with this patch, it's dangerous, and it shouldn't change anything at all if you're using a version of SketchUp that was made in the past 2 years.
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