Fredo6's - Fredo Scale plugin should do this using the Radial bending tool. You will find it in the Plugin Store along with plenty of guidance on using it. I would suggest making a copy of the roof element as a spare before starting. Good luck!
RE: How to fold an elliptical roof?
RE: Dynamic Components Plugin
@andres2688 said:
Hope there is some extension coming soon to solve this issue.
I fear you will be waiting a long time for this! Apart from making the DC Component Attribute panel a bit easier on the eye you will always have to somehow program each element of the DC to do what you want it to do. As the designer (of the DC) only you know how the parts should interact.
AutoCad and Revit were mentioned earlier in the thread. It's probably ten years since I used either of those but do recall that Revit 'Families' (equivalent of DCs) were far more difficult to build than Sketchup DCs but they used a similar syntax/language and method to provide the instructions for making them work. In AutoCad I used Dynamic Blocks which provided constraints but, again, the input required was akin to what you would use in SU DCs. I'm relying on memory to comment here and have not used the Parametric version of AutoCad, maybe there is now something better than I remember!
Rather than a plugin to directly replace the DC Attribute interface, perhaps some form of graphic based workflow would help. Something in Excel maybe? Design the DC logic on another platform before tying your DC in knots within SU!
RE: Concept Cargo Truck
Looking good, is it an 'all terrain' vehicle and how will it be powered?
RE: Living like an ice princess
Great modelling as always. The net curtains are excellent!
RE: LayOut dimensions/ shape style
Welcome to the forum DaniVork.
I doubt if the Layout dimension tool could be made to recognise different dimensioning end points. However, you can set up as many dimension styles as you need within the same Layout file. Use a dummy dimension on the page and sample it with the eye-dropper tool before adding a new dimension. Or, use the eye-dropper to update an existing dimension. Ideally, save your dimension in a Scrapbook to use in future work. The Layout dimension system is very customisable, you could, for example have the astrix you like on just one end of the dimension line.
Good luck!
RE: (definitely nsfw) A Leader For Our Times
@mike amos said:
This is what politics looks like right now, great image mate.
Agree, but without the cigarette (which would, of course, be bad for us)
RE: Large Hall Main Entry
Somehow missed this first time round but what tremendous scale and lighting. Excellent modelling.
RE: To the Moon
Great stuff! Wonder how many of today's youngsters would be happy catching and throwing red hot rivets all day?
RE: Ghost Ship
Spot on! You can feel how cold it must be in there - near absolute zero?
RE: Simple living room
Nice render & model. Your ceiling and wall textures are great with no 'moire' effect - something I struggle to achieve! Maybe the foreground light is a little blown?
RE: Basement Fun
@tuna1957 said:
Ever wonder what the strange old guy down the street is up to in his basement ?
Never worry about the 'strange' people, it's the the ones who seem to be just regular folks that you need to be wary of! Could the room be dark because of all the power being drained from the local grid to bring life to the machine?
A dreadful mistake with the ladder, the Health & Safety guys would be beside themselves (whilst totally ignoring the laser blasters). The ladder looks like the rungs should be closer together - 4 rungs. I know little or nothing about robots with WMD so will take it on trust that it complies with all the relevant codes.
Enjoyed the post, nice modelling and render!
RE: Back to architecture for a while.
@hornoxx said:
this shot is already perfect
perfect camera and well and sufficiently decorated
Agree 100%, add nothing more! Maybe soften the lighting in the bed space, for a bit more 'mood'. Also, reduce the glare from the walls in the background area. Could be just a case of moving the light source away from the wall surfaces.
Great scene and model!
RE: Wall cutting window
A variation to add to this post. This window does not use a dummy frame to aid placement. Instead, The window component is exploded straight after insertion. Each cutting sub-component and the window itself has a red 'Gizmo' as part of the component. These are placed away from the wall so they can be selected more easily. All the gizmos are occupying the same position. Now, by selecting the gizmos, the window plus it's wall cutters can all be moved together. The gizmos are on a layer (Tag) of their own and this can be turned off when not required.
I have added a simple setting out range for bricks, in this case 225mm for a brick and one mortar joint. Using this, windows & doors etc. can be set out to make the bricklayers' life easier!
RE: Help: Wall Cutting Dynamic Component
Select the DC in the Component tray and then right mouse click and select properties. That will let you go for the 'Glue to' and the 'Cut Opening'. I tried this on your DC just now and and you will need to open the DC for editing, select all the sub-components and move them down to the Z=0 position for the vertical 'glue to' to work. At present the back of the whole component will stick to the outside wall face. (try it first after setting the 'glue to'. Also, to cut the outer wall face create a rectangular face (inside the DC) level with the outer wall face. Delete this face to leave just the bounding lines. Do not group these, they form the cutting element. Exit the DC and bring in a fresh DC from the tray - this should now give you the one face opening cut.
Attached modified DC to pick at. I have an updated window to add to my own post shortly.
RE: Help: Wall Cutting Dynamic Component
Hi juju,
Had a quick look at your DC. The main component does not seem to have been set to cut an opening (same for the sub components). There are some plugins out there that will cut multiple wall leaves but AFAIK the native SU DC will only cut one face - no matter how many cutting sub-components you build in to the DC. Also, for a window DC you may want to model the DC flat in the XY plane and choose 'Glue to vertical' when creating the finished DC.
Can I point you to an earlier post of mine if it will be of any help.
Apologies if I have missed something in your DC and am talking nonsense!