Hey guys, thanks heaps for the tips. Was able to fix it!
RE: Removing lines from plane surface
Removing lines from plane surface
How do I remove a spurious line from a surface?
When I select the line and press delete it deletes the whole surface.
I've tried googling for this and every response is "install plugin xyz which will do it for you magically".
I have tried installing Thom Thomsens cleanup script, but just got a bunch of errors from the install process and a message "Did not install script" which was unhelpful. From what I see on the forums the cleanup script is quite complicated and does not always work as expected.
I already have problems with my Maxwell Render plugin crashing Sketchup and I am very loath to install some flakey new script when what I need to do seems very simple - just that I don't see how to do it.
The issue is that after removing a wall I'm left with an empty "hole" in my floor. I managed to use the "move" command to collapse the hole down to a few lines, but those still show up in my render.
Apparently there is "soften lines" but I'd like to get rid of them altogether.
I'm using the free version of Sketchup 8.1
RE: Sketchup crash when using MXM materials in Free Maxwell Ren.
Hi Jason, Thanks for the offer.
I tried PM but the sketchucation.com forum system apparently imposes a 2MB limit and the file is over that.
However - I have figured out the cause - it is this material: http://resources.maxwellrender.com/download.php?id=5495
When it downloads I get a folder called "concrete_4379" - and if I apply that material to an empty box with nothing else in the scene maxwell plugin will crash every time.
I have the free version of Sketchup 8.0.15157 and the free Maxwell Sketchup Plugin 2.7.0 6/18/2012.
I tried the same with another concrete MXM by the same author, alexm8a - http://resources.maxwellrender.com/download.php?id=5498 - and I get the same result: crashola.
I notice that both of alexm8a's materials have "Displacement" in the keywords - so I guess that is what is going on here.
Thanks for the tip, I guess that is it.
No more displacement materials for me.
RE: Sketchup crash when using MXM materials in Free Maxwell Ren.
I'm having the same problem - I'm happy to supply the file.
It's a basic box room with some Maxwell textures. I did have carpet but I deleted it - still crashes.
I'm trying to work on an indie game, solo in my spare time so I only have the free editions of everything. I would like to buy Maxwell and Sketchup, but the crashes scare me to bits - I so thought I had lost 2 hours of work.
This is very frustrating as I want to see what my room looks like!