This forum post is going on three years old now...that's pretty hot... I guess modeling has become a business for very serious people. No time for frivolity.
RE: Cryptolocker [DANGER]
RE: Caribou Mount
Hey thanks....I'll remember to close my eyes. I'd like to see you and your buddy mounted together and if that offends you then try not to look.
RE: Substance and Sketchup Workflow
Gee, I never thought I'd see an SU/Substance workflow but you guys are breaking ground....
RE: Caribou Mount
The modeling work is very cool but killing animals for trophy is not. Why don't you build the entire animal and forget the inference of slaughter?
RE: External graphics card for MacBook by Bull.Box
It is really a good idea but the analogy that comes to mind is buying a new car and then adding a motor. I'd be a little embarrassed if I was the car maker.
RE: Edited texture isn't applied after editing in Photoshop
If your edit creates a new layer you must flatten it before you save.
RE: Who has upgraded his pc or has bought a new one recently?
@unknownuser said:
I'm talking of SU only, dunno Lumion.
I was responding to a question re Lumion performance specifically
@unknownuser said:
So I'd like to know from your experience... Is it really slower with Lumion?
...and as I said used or not the 960 is not recommended.
RE: Who has upgraded his pc or has bought a new one recently?
@unknownuser said:
If new, a GF GTX 960 delivers the best bang for the buck
Don't you mean 980?
The 960 is not recommended by Lumion. It falls short of the 6000 point threshold....and yes calypso seems to have things backwards altogether, and what FP model is he using anyway, he didn't say. the mean time my used and battered old 180 dollar 780 is getting 20880 points on the Lumion native benchmark test.
RE: Substance and Sketchup Workflow
@unknownuser said:
Roland I've been following Substance Videos
The link leads to a new set of videos available as of yesterday so you haven't followed theses ones. -
RE: Substance and Sketchup Workflow
These guys are very good...although I have not started, the curriculum looks really thorough and the approach seems to be for dummies like me.
Looks like a great way to get to know the entire "Substance" science and application.
RE: Who has upgraded his pc or has bought a new one recently?
@unknownuser said:
So I'd like to know from your experience... Is it really slower with Lumion?
The 980ti is the best of the best...the 980 is second best, then the 780ti then the 780.
Once you get to Lumion with these cards the performance is very close and the difference not really discernable. I still say the straight 780 is the best overall since it can be purchased for a reasonable price. The 980s, ti and titanx are still priced too high.It should also be noted that on Windows10 Lumion can only use a maximum of 4 gig of video memory so more than 4 is redundant. I don't see a fix for this in the near future.
RE: Planning divorce from Windows...worth dating Linux & Ubuntu?
@unknownuser said:
uploaded to the cloud
The "cloud" is a marketing idea not a technology. The technology and the idea was invented by Microsoft and released as a beta code named "Denalli" in 1999. It's real name is "active server pages". This was the beginning of subscription computing. For the first time you could start and run your apps through any vanilla browser and the apps resided on a server not your desktop. You will see it as an extension .asp. It has been 16 years now and although the idea of creating an active server is paramount to virtual computing (which has taken off), leaving all your files on the same server (except for "data base") has not taken off at all. If the internet was reliable and fast everywhere it might have a chance but for now moving documents this way for the masses is not practical and synchronizing your half gig of files every day is not only problematic in terms of versioning but it also takes all day.
Some greedy fool woke up somewhere a couple of years ago and said "hey! think of the money we could make storing documents and serving up applications on a monthly subscription". The application subscription works and always did but the document storage no. I can imagine how screwed up things would be if we were all on the cloud....the internet would be clogged completely and come to a standstill.The cloud works (just the way it did 16 years ago) but it will remain limited to companies that can afford "VPNs" and very fast connections. While the internet is held together in most places with bailing wire, it is not going to happen. 16 years is not quite enough to get the infrastructure in place.
Not only is "the cloud" stupid marketing, the name "cloud" (although appropriate cause the idea is cloudy) is stupid as well.
The "asp" invention itself was revolutionary and the basis for basically all current subscriptions. The first "asp/cloud" based application subscription was a resource management app called "Njoyn". It was first offered in 2001. Njoyn is still in business and used by many fortune 500 companies everyday. The application is unchanged.
Sorry this post is not quite related.....
just needed to rant thanks!
RE: Planning divorce from Windows...worth dating Linux & Ubuntu?
I'm an old man so I have been using windows since The release of 3.1. I have used every other operating system known to man including alpha/os systems from IBM, Amdahl and Fujitsu that never got out of the can. My desktop 8 looks the same now as my 3.1 did...just a background screen and a bunch of icons. There has never been a learning curve because essentially the core functionality has not changed. There is no such thing as privacy on the Internet. You are just fooling yourself to think so. The most bullet proof OS in terms of security is still Microsoft. The trouble that most users experience related to security they introduce themselves with third party security products like Norten/McAffey...etc...etc. The security guys are the worst of the worst.
The fact is there is nothing even close. Microsoft owns the desktop business and if you are doing serious computing you do it on a desktop or laptop not a handheld toy. Microsoft also owns the application development business. 4 out of 5 developers have the Microsoft knowledge base on their desktop so you can guess where most new software will run.
That was a long winded and somewhat stuck-up way of saying sorry, there just is no alternative for you unless you are willing to put up with a lot of frustration and contortion. -
RE: Bedside Table rendered in Twilight
The design fit and finish is great. Shows off the piece very well. No wonder you like the results. I also grew up as a photographer and try to think in terms of being in the studio.
I'm sure you have noticed that there is some texture repeating. My suggestion is to not use seamless textures on furniture pieces. Instead, create a texture to cover the entire wooden component. It should stretch outside the bounds of the piece with no repeating. Basically you will create your textures in PS so they can be one at a time mapped to each face. They don't need to map perfectly, they just need to be stretched (so to speak) over the piece. Normally this type of rendering in studio has very little entourage and so you can use large textures for all of the pieces as well and get great resolution without sacrificing modeling performance. I hope you don't mind my observations. -
RE: Self Illumination (emissivness)
@unknownuser said:
Can you list the other modeling apps that have emissivness? -
RE: V-Ray pixilated rendering
Your profile says beginner. There are a handful of other products that will get you into rendering right out of the box. You have chosen the steepest learning curve. Your first impressions of rendering are going to feel a little like rocket science.
RE: Price Rise
It is called free enterprise. Free Enterprise slaps democracy in the face all day long.
I wonder who will enjoy the increase. The employees or the shareholders? -
RE: Substance and Sketchup Workflow
@unknownuser said:
I don't see where this doesn't go the full distance
I'll be sure to keep an eye open for anything that comes out of this conversation.
RE: Ornithopter...
Beautiful renders!
@unknownuser said:
reminds me of the 20 minute challenges we used to see.
It was originally the 30 minute challenge but regardless, it is a forum feature that I miss.
RE: Substance and Sketchup Workflow
@unknownuser said:
Let's see where this leads to...
I think this thread does add depth to the analogy "comparing apples and oranges".