@hpnisse said:
Hey, robint!
Your chain works perfect when you set the collision state correct in every single object
[attachment=0:au7zhech]<!-- ia0 -->Re. my chain 1.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:au7zhech]
Hi H
Thanks for that tip, the model chain works for me now, but I dont understand how setting the object state to "show collision geometry" makes such a radicle difference?
obviously i dont understand this state? I looked on the tutor manual but that wasnt helpful
so i am puzzled
nice that one can actually make a set of revolving links
What we need now is a workable spring (with variable rate and damping). the legacy one only works in sp2.3 not in 3.2. perhaps its work in progress
can anyone tell me if joints have a built in friction?
A simple pendulum will slowly come to rest, so there must be some restraint or energy loss built in? is this variable?
in mechanical systems you need mass, stored energy (spring) and friction (damping) preferably using SI units so as to start physical modelling
BTW I was once involved with a brilliant guy who made an amazing music generating prog that allowed exploration of scales, rhythms etc. BUT he was a C++ script magician and his prog became a tangle compost heap of widgets with a poor and almost unusable manual. I tried to help sort out the mess but the guy simply couldnt organise his thoughts in a consistant and methodical manner so his brialliant concepts came to nought as prospective users lost enthusiasm and gave up.
If anyone is preparing to organise a proper manual for SP4 then I can offer my 2c worth
All good stuff as I had come to a brick wall till now