SketchyPhysics3.2 (Dec 2)
It looks like right now SketchyPhysics will only work on Mac's running 10.6. We may be able to make a 10.5 version if there is enough demand. Can a few mac users chime in and let me know if you are still using 10.5. Also is anyone using 10.6 getting this error?
Mac OS X 10.5.8
Spent a few minutes Christmas morning installing SP3.2 on my triplet nephew's Macbook with SnowLeopard and it worked nicely...I guess it is time to upgrade to snow leopard....Adapt or perish I guess.
- New script command setFrameRate overrides physics settings framerate.
Hello, trying to implement the set frame rate command to get the model to slow down on faster computers so we can anticipate the results.
Can you let me know the usage and where to put it.
I've tried setFrameRate=5; in the on tick section and it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I am running SU8 with wine on Ubuntu with SP3.2. The UI box appears showing: Joint, State, Properties, Shapes , but no details. Same problem withSP3.1. Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks
@bossdave said:
I am running SU8 with wine on Ubuntu with SP3.2. The UI box appears showing: Joint, State, Properties, Shapes , but no details. Same problem withSP3.1. Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks
There you go
webdialogs don't work in wine without this tweak. -
@jblively said:
- New script command setFrameRate overrides physics settings framerate.
Hello, trying to implement the set frame rate command to get the model to slow down on faster computers so we can anticipate the results.
Can you let me know the usage and where to put it.
I've tried setFrameRate=5; in the on tick section and it doesn't seem to make any difference.
Thats not quite how it works. a frame rate of 5 will make the physics simulation step 5 times before updating the sketchup model. To make it go a little slower you could use a frame rate of 1.
I posted a comment
[more particularly a plea for help]
in the newbie forum, yesterday.Grateful for any assistance.
Update: 01-01-2011
... Having received no response. I finally discovered that my download of SP3.2 was either incomplete or corrupt.
Now, having downloaded a fresh copy, everything seems to work. -
help UI window not working
Postby robint on Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:59 am
ive got su8 latest and sp 3.2 installedwhen I try to inspect joints i get the usual info for a hinge (say). when I try to input say accel or a controller name , it accepts them but doesnt do anything - no slider in the run panel
Ive tried the other tip of clicking on the UI button to exit the UI window to no avail
I saw a tuorial where it said that you can turn a hinge into a reversible motor by putting accel = 1 and giving the controller a name - which is then supposed to bring up a slider in the run panel - i just get a blank.
then i go back and look again and just get blank boxes. only restarting su8 will clear the prob but it comes back if I try to change a parameter
cheers Robin
ps I havent got so excited since I first used SU4 - this could be a wonderful educational tool if physical values could be added to demonstrate newtons laws for example
I made a double pendulum the other day, but as already said, there's lots of real world physical attributes to be addressed (eg mass, density, friction, elasticity etc) but its early days
Hi guys
how or where do I post a skp model for discussion
also i cant post a link here?
This site seems to be moribund, not a lot happening?
Anyway Ive solved the UI problem
so all working ok now
here my 2c worth for sp 3.2
if you want to make a reversible motor joint, use the hinge (as per sp2) and set the controller blue box to
quote slider ( 'anyname' )
you can see the same construction using the motor joint
wish I didnt have to waste hours getting to this point.
to make magnetic solids work you need to set the ui box status to magnetic
and the magnetic force to a large value eg +- 1000not obvious is it?
I wonder whether its worth contributing to a wikimanual at5 this stage if thereis going to be an sp4 completely recoded?
@robint said:
to make magnetic solids work you need to set the ui box status to magnetic
and the magnetic force to a large value eg +- 1000I do believe that magnetic force is also affected by mass and scale. So if the model is very large, you'll need a larger value for magnetic force. If you have a small scale model, you can use a magnetic force of as little as 10 to see results.
There is so much involved in SP, more documentation would be nice, but i'm just glad we have people here we can chat with who want to help!
Does this vervion can works on the V6?
good point
afik though there is a density coeff, I dont know how well it correlates to the mass of an object?
the apparent mass i governed by the size of the collision shape as set in the rt click physics settinghavent figured this tiresome details out yet
I have a number of cu4rious physical models i would like to post for discussion (eg double pendulums etc) but havent yet found a way to post these little experiments.
It seems daft that one cant attach these on this forum - severly limiting
Any ideas?
Yes magnets are effected by the size of an object.
You can attach files to posts. Look at the bottom of the form and there is an "Upload Attachment" tab.
hi all
sorry pardon didnt see the tab for uploading
I was trying to make a chain rotating around 2 sprockets. The chain seems to want to fly apart, its all chaotic? even though its all supposed to be stationary, any ideas
btw i have su8 and sp3.2 dec2010
its all good fun but i wish i had more control over the way things work, bit hit and miss at the moment
btw although bugsplat is a good tool, i dont connect my main machine directly to the net for obvious security reasons, so cannot utilise bs directly. It would be much more convenient if bs made a composite text file stored conveniently which i could gather up and post here to help with su crashes. Its a bit cumbersome at the moment
cheers robin
Please see here for an 'issue' withgroup.definition -
hi CP
thanx for the tip, will see if i can make it so.
any pointers on where to start on Ruby so i can at least know something of what im doing?
@tig said:
Please see here for an 'issue' withgroup.definition
I tried the code but it seemed to make things worseCode: Select all
class Sketchup::Group
if not Sketchup::Group.method_defined?(:definition)
def definition() # make it so you can use group.definition
endsomething about a chain sp doesnt like
Im stuck, my chain flies apart