@thomthom said:
That's a bad bug in SketchUp 2013. The toolbar is there - it's just that it's hidden underneath your existing docked toolbars.
I knew that I wasn't crazy. Thanks for the answer
@thomthom said:
That's a bad bug in SketchUp 2013. The toolbar is there - it's just that it's hidden underneath your existing docked toolbars.
I knew that I wasn't crazy. Thanks for the answer
Hi Fredo
I just want to say thank you very much!
Thank you very much for this, for once i was getting really pissed with SU but your work it's a life saver, thanks again.
...btw, is there a menu version?
Nunca pense que Artlantis pudiera lograr algo similar, excelente trabajo.
Espero que no te moleste un poco de critica pero estoy de acuerdo con Richard, las lineas verticales deberían de ser verticales y en la mayoría de los exteriores pareciera que los edificios van cayendo hacia un lado u otro, la gran ventaja es que la presentación y la calidad del render ayudan muchísimo a olvidar este detalle pero no por eso deja de pasar desapercibido. Podrías tratar cambiando el "lente" y el enfoque del mismo para abrir el angulo sin perder la vertical de los edificios.
Y no puedo dejar de preguntar. Cuanto tiempo te toma elaborar un modelo y cuanto cobras? hehe
E igualmente Feliz Año!!!
...a fountain? ...a few renders? ...sounds fun so here it is something a little different
Thank you for the answers Rob, I'm going to try to refrain myself the next time.
I just register to this forums and at the second post I read I just found that the famous Richard, from "Dennis Technique" is still alive and kicking!!! and I just remember that I was there at the very first post of that long, long, long thread.
well, back to business, I like the pencil concept and I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can answer for me
Thanks in advance
Hello people, no questions ...yet! just introducing myself to the forums. I'm using SU since v4.0 but I know that never at the full program capacity
so I'm expecting to learn a lot from here.