No further menu in plugin? Only show as FollowMeandKeep.
SketchUp 8
RE: [Plugin] FollowMe and keep (v0.04 update 20090210)
RE: Hello, Questions.
Thank you Mr Gai for clearing my doubt. I will adjust myself to it.
Hello, Questions.
Hi guys,
I have been using Design 2020 for my kitchen design like 2 years now, and was looking for a low cost substitute.
Just recently I discovered SketchUp. Since then I have been amazed by this free program as more and more functions are revealed to me.I have one complaint though, the zoom rate becomes slower the closer you are to an object. Zoom also slowed when you are not pointing to any object. Can I adjust to constant zoom rate? Sometime when I orbit into an object, accidentally, its slow to zoom out or pan out of it.
Other than that, may I know for Pro version is it one time fee (entitled to future versions?) or renewable? I cannot find this in Google's FAQ for SketchUp.
Thank you.