Thank you for answer!
But that is not exactly what I need.
I am going to explain it again by help of picture which I hope realy helps.
I have some part of construction design of panel of house and I need to put there some dimensions for people who will produce it. /look at pdf in attachment/
You can see that there is not enought place to put dimensions which are not in one line. /like in scene 2 of attachment/
So I find workaround /for design view/ which look like /scene 1 of attachment/ but it looks litle bit strange with that 3D outline text and advanatge of dimension is out.
Last evening I found better way of design /scene 3 in attachment/
This can be easy put there and look better but without dimension advantages too.
If someone can help me with right chain dimension it really help me.
Or is it possible rotate that text? I did not found any way to rotate it.