what a beautyfull... river, Gaieus.
and indeed a wonderful wine cellar.
thats one of my favourites too: drinking a wonderfully rich red wine (with dry finish) and eating a big piece of parmesan cheese
what a beautyfull... river, Gaieus.
and indeed a wonderful wine cellar.
thats one of my favourites too: drinking a wonderfully rich red wine (with dry finish) and eating a big piece of parmesan cheese
tagliatelle with very sweet, very hot prawns-cocktail-sauce (I have never succeeded in actually covering the prawns in a fine layer of caramel though; that was my original intention)
standing up half an hour early every morning to read the scf forum (no joke!)
swishing through piles of leaves in autumn
this is truely amazing!
and I am especially impressed by your patience. 4 hours for the road... really deeply impressed
that is wise!
cause we all know: preparation is the first step to success!
@hfm said:
get close to the surface then click the scroll, move trough the surface side-ways
thats how I do it too.
but every time I need to do that, I curse myself for having manoeuvred myself in that situation in the first place.
I am getting better and better in evading it though
I am lately more and more impressed by the ruby integration - thats of course because of all the amazingly smart coders with their wonderful scripts.
what other application gets a major update / addon every month?
thanks, Ross.
well that leaves room for hope (even expectations...). I will keep my fingers crossed
in an emergency you can always open up the "Instructor" window. that tells you all the modifyer keys as well.
@unknownuser said:
Chuck Norrisβ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
what a wonderfully ambiguous one.
@solo said:
Chuck Norris can delete the recycle bin.
@solo said:
Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience.
my favourites so far
SUNSHINE IN LONDON at the moment!
there is definitely a lot of sunshine here (but a lot of rain too )
last month we had a whole week of complete sunshine without a single raindrop.
it is very unfortunate that weather forecast isn't for the next six months - that would be cool
@pav_3j said:
nah, i just go and down 15 pints of guinness, that usually sorts me out.
by the way: guinnes is a very good choice. the last two times I drank cider, I vomited forcefully.
that doesn't happen that easily with guinnes, because it is so rich in content
(you don't need dinner anymore - two guinnes = one steak).
but back to spore: can you advance to a civilisation that is capable of brewing beer? if yes, I should have a closer look to this game...
if you have too much money left at the end of the month (what, of course, always happens ), I would advice you to buy a gamer mouse.
I bought the Logitech MX518 one or thwo years ago. and it is the best mouse I ever bought - very precise, very responsive and comfortable to use for hours!
I will probably only discard it, when the era of mouse aided input ends (which hopefully with the technology of iPhone and Microsoft Surface won't be too far away )
very kind of you, pav_3j.
and I am delighted to hear, that Chuck Norris is a SketchUp user too.
that makes me feel secure (at least one thing I have in common with this wonderful person (plus the red beard )).
of course you already knew, that (just do demonstrate to Google, how important high poly support is)
Chuck Norris countet to infinity... two times!
thanks Todd,
that was really nice; now I don't feel that much isolated anymore (in a small town called London, somewhere in GB)
and most people speak english...
perhaps it is possible to find something a bit outside of London (still within reach of the tube).
accomodations would get much cheeper there. and if you go far enough it isn't necesarrily too dirty anymore
names of English cities that are pronounced in a funny way:
Gloucester ("Gloster")
Edinburgh ("Edinburuh")
all trap holes for foreigners...
Chuck Norris doesn't eat honey - he chews bees!
(shall we open up a chuck norris thread?)
I would love to see how far you can get indigo in concerns of instancing.
(I know kwistenbiebel and whaat did some quite impressive examples already ).
my first test with instancing and dummies within SketchUp:
one of these tripple helix shapes has a file size of 3.5 Mb.
I used 2500 instances in the render - the export took less than a minute!
and indigo used only 175 Mb ram (instead of 3.5 x 2500 = 8750 Mb)
what were your results with playing with instances / component dummies?
I am looking forward to see all your nice, impressive, stunning, funny images
wow, that looks marvellous, Fred!
and this is solely a SketchUp generated image? (looks like you spent 10 hours of rendering on that )