Hey Rclub24,
I have had a look at the 1001bits userguide and I think "Extrude along sloping curved path" is pretty similar to Shape Bender and Follow me and keep. Thanks for the advice anyway!
Hey Rclub24,
I have had a look at the 1001bits userguide and I think "Extrude along sloping curved path" is pretty similar to Shape Bender and Follow me and keep. Thanks for the advice anyway!
I have tried the follow me and keep tool and it is indeed more intuitive and faster to use. Thanks for the advice!
I have had a look at the Curviloft and Perpendicular Face plugins and they look very interesting. However, and correct me if I am wrong, I think that even though these are interesting plugins, the real difficulty lies in making the "initial path" or curve the road should follow. These tools are just another way, like Shape Bender and Follow me and keep, to make a road out of the initial path.
I have encountered a few problems making this path. If you don't do it very carefully you get things like this:
I think a part of the problem are the limitations of the curve tool in sketchup.
Does anyone know a solution to this?
Thanks in advance!
Setting it to 3 decimal places doesn't help. The little inaccurancies still happen. The only thing with 3 decimal places is that you can not see them. You will see them when you set the precision to 6 places.
Hi everybody!
I want to make a highway interchanges like this one:
And I am wondering what the best way is to make a road that bends and goes up or down at the same time. This is the best technique that I came up with so far:
(delete the unnessecary lines)
(I mean, make the line in the previous image much smaller, so it looks like this)
(Lift only one side of the little line and do it strictly vertically)
I don't think that this is the best technique tho. It is rather time consuming and not too accurate. I would really like to know if any of you know how to do this in a more effecient/ faster way. All tips are welcome!
Thanks for the advice. The way I am solving it now is to set the precision value always at the highest value (6 decimal places) so I can always check if the lenght of a line is correct. I also, like you are saying, try to use the VCB input as much as possible and I always use groups and components, never loose geometry.
Turning length snapping off is something I still can try to do. I am not sure if it will work because I cannot reproduce the error. I don't know exactly in which circumstances it happens. Thanks!
That's an interesting idea! The only thing is, I have tried to reproduce it, but it didn't "work" for me. Are you able to reproduce the problem this way?
Hello Xrok1,
Thank you for your answer but I don't think that you have read my post very well. I do realize how small that is. However, that is not what matters here.
If I change the precision to 3 decimal places (Like I did for a long time) I still have these little numbers at the end when I measure something afterwards with more precision. (It's always there somewhere) And if it wouldn't cause any problems I wouldn't post a topic about it, but the thing is, it does cause problems.
Some examples of problems:
(And apart from all of this: It just should not happen. Period.)
Hello good folks,
Sometimes when I make an object by using the drawing or the push/pull tool, some sides of the object or not perfect like I wanted them to be. I get these strange little numbers at the end like 36,000001m or 24,000006m (see the images I have added).
It's very important to say that I NEVER do this on purpose. (why would I?) In some way it just happens. The problem is that it can really mess up your model or a part of your model. Sometimes it is impossible for example to really fit one object to another or to push/pull because of these little differences. It has already taken a lot of my time to restore these inaccuracies.
Have anyone else experienced this problem?
Kind Regards,