Sorry about the missing png file... Here it is
RE: [Plugin] ImageTrimmer
I'm having trouble with the imagetrimmer not finding transparent pixels that can form faces. The image certainly does have a large transparent area.
I included the error message and the image file.
RE: Need a few pointers for training
I was able to duplicate what you did with the FOB, except for tweaking the mesh to get it less egg shaped. What tool/tools did you use to accomplish that?
RE: Need a few pointers for training
Wow, Alan thank you. This is certainly something that I can use for this little project. In addition, I ordered the book 3D Printing with SketchUp so I will get a better grounding in the SU native tool set. I am retired and am really excited about the possibilities with the 3D printer and sketchup.
Once again, thank you.
RE: Need a few pointers for training
Okay, x 100 for curvy stuff and "3D Printing with Sketchup" book.
Thank you both for the help.
Need a few pointers for training
I have been using sketchup make for a few weeks and I understand the tools and actions needed for squares, rectangles, circles, extrusion, changing views etc. Every time I get to a place where I need tubes, half tunes, spheres, partial spheres etc, I get lost.
I have a 3d printer and my latest project is to make a simple sleeve for my car's FOB because the buttons are too sensitive and the car frequently locks or unlocks while the FOB is in my pocket. My idea is to make a little case for the FOB that has smaller holes to reach the buttons so that it takes more effort to push the button and the buttons are recessed further.
It's really simple in concept, I just make a block slightly larger than the FOB and then carve out the middle to fit the FOB. Viewing the FOB from the top, it's basically a rounded rectangle. From the front or back, it pretty much flat with rounded edges. I can make the edge cutouts but I have no clue how to make that cutout "round the cornet for the front edge of the FOB.
In any case, I am looking for training resources, hints, tips for doing this type of stuff. Straight lines, straight shapes, great! Spheres, tubes/pipes on curves etc are big trouble.
Any pointers will be appreciated.
Introduction and question
I am a retired IT professional interested in Sketch Up free to design toys. I have a home built CNC router that can machine wood and plastic but not metal. It needs Mach2 files to operate. I use Vectric Cut2D to make those files. As the Cut2D name implies, I only work with 2D files. I would like to use SketchUp to design the parts then export it to a format that Vectric Cut2D can import. The list of file types that Cut2D cam import is:
.pdfThe list of files that SketchUp free can export or import appears only to be:
.skpIs there a plug-in or accessory that I can use to allow SketchUp to work in this environment?