Yes I agee, it must be a video card issue with this mobility ATI. Thanks.
RE: Shade Variation in Components
RE: Bloody hilarious!!
acting or not i'd be afraid to send my kids to this kid's school! disturbingly funny.
RE: Do Any English-Speaking Architects Here Use the Word...
in Spanish the word "Maqueta" was used frequently. Although i went to school in the states and i am more familiar with the term partii, be it a model or a drawing as marvins_dad suggests, as the more common term.
RE: Shade Variation in Components
Thanks for the reply guys.
I don't know what the etiquette is on uploading 3d warehouse models in this forum but, there you are.I uploaded just the kitchen cabinets because the overall model appears to be too large. In any event, i am uploading and previewing the model from my Apple machine ( Mac Os X, SU 7.1 free) an i don't see the on-screen behavior i described above. However, opening the same model from my pc version of sketchup (7.1 Pro) yields the same strange shading behavior but again only on the screen. I am starting to think that there is some strange video-card-related snafu going on here.
if it is of any help the link to the actual model n the warehouse is: again.
Shade Variation in Components
Hi all,
has any body seen a strange slight shade variation in dynamic components as they display on screen? i am on SU 7.1, Windows XP Serv pack 3, ATI mobility Video Card.
I also have SU 7.1 on a MAC OS X machine but the strange shade variations are not present.
Any thoughts?The Attached image is screen grab of one of the projects by the Blue Marble Project. I should note that i didn't apply any materials to the cabinet components, they all have the same color yet on screen the appear as if they have a slight color variation. It doesn't appear to impair performance but it is more of a visual annoyance. And interestingly the strange shade variation does not show up when i do a jpg export of the view straight out of SU.