Thank you for answearing! well i haven't tried that, I will try that plugin instead! And sorry for not attaching a Picture! When i wrote the thread the thrupaint was actually loading, as i was trying to redo it all, but if sketchuv doesn't work, i will attach a picture of the cave
RE: Problem using thrupaint on cave
Problem using thrupaint on cave
Im currently trying to texture a cave, a pretty complex cave with a lot of faces!
To a certain extent it works, and it texture the model properly, but every here and there about 10-20 faces get distorted, it kind of looks like when u project a texture from top mode, and then look at it from the side!If this was on a small project, maybe this wouldn't be a big problem, but as its a pretty big cave, it is really hard to manually texture the sides that doesn't "work".
What do you think? am i doing something wrong or is thru paint just not working for a very complex model like a cave? And if you ever have bumped into this problem, do you have a solution for me?
RE: Projection problem
I did find the plugin kind of useful, did help me a bit, even tho it doesnt seem to handle subdivided complex models perfectly, tried to texture a "cave"! That gave me 1500 errorrs on faces and didnt texture anything, as far as i know the model isnt badly built either! Any suggestion on that? Or am i using it wrong maybe?
RE: [Plugin] FredoTools - v4.5c - 24 Jun 24
When i install this plugin it tells me, you need the version 5.2 libfredo and so on, and i have that, or even a later one, so after ive installed it nothing happens? the same thing happened to fredoScale but for some reason that got installed, and im using it without a problem? any quick solution ?
RE: Projection problem
Yes, i got that, i did see the problem, i just needed a solution for it, what im texturing is a mountain! so naturally there isnt any direction that can project the whole mountain, that why i got stuck! so when a complex model need to have it projected in 2 directions, how do you solve that?
Projection problem
I have a problem with texturing in sketchup, when i project the textures onto my model, one direction get stretched! is there a way to get around this problem?
I tried to attach images of the problem, but it didnt work, if needed tell me!