Meshlab do have a Point Clouds support now.
RE: Photosynth to CSV to SketchUp - Now What?
RE: Building a workstation (super computer)
Memory speed issue was with LGA 1366 (when OC), just don't remember what board - I was buzled with it when I was planning the system. Just cannot remeber what board it was. If you are not going to overclock, there really is not that great difference wheather you use DDR3 1066, 1333 or 1600. Cas latency has greater effect. Also as if intel mobo is used.@intel said:
%(#80BF00)[What is the maximum frequency for DDR3 memory when used with Intel Core i7-900 processor series?]
These processors support DDR3 memory with a maximum frequency of 1066 MHz. If faster DDR3 memory is used (such as 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz), it will be down-clocked to operate at 1066 MHz.for new i5/i7
@intel said:
%(#80BF00)[What is the maximum frequency for DDR3 memory when used with Intel Core i7-800 processor series and the Intel Core i7-700 processor series?]
These processors support DDR3 memory with a maximum frequency of 1333 MHz. If faster DDR3 memory is used (such as 1600 MHz or higher), it will be down-clocked to operate at 1066 MHz.Asus handles it differently... anyhow. Some mother board can behave differently, even memory controller is in CPU.
RE: Building a workstation (super computer)
There are some new options, you might want to look on i7 LGA 1156, systems - MSI P55-GD80 has got good reviews. Those motherboards should cost $50-100 less than LGA 1366 boards. But with LGA 1366 board you have an option to upgrade to i9.
Btw, you have picked fairly expensive MB & memory. Memory speed is not that critical with i7. Also if I recall right with some i7 LGA 1366 motherboards you cannot fill all memory slots (not sure if it's same with LGA 1156, but I don't believe so), when DDR3-1600 or higher is used... so you cannot just add another DDR3-1600 3*2Gb kit, if you like to have 12 Gb RAM. -
RE: Latest Work with Curved Roof Design
Maybe useable...
if pilot hole is used with bolt, sure you should not, but I think it this case it wount be an issue. -
RE: Better Bump Maps
When you playing with cam and light, why not to shoot normal maps -
RE: What the Internet knows about you
@dantheman said:
form looking at the html I think that it sends your browser hidden links and sees which ones you computer has been to. it then can tell where you have been to.
Exactly. This method has limitations, it only can find out, if you have visited on particular web sites. Althought that would be enough for targeted marketing, scammers and so.
RE: Indigo Renders...
Not that it really matters, but it will fail if hole is small enough. Stopping criterion will come to play. Just try it out with your favorite renderer. Two rooms and a microscopic hole in a wall between them. Lightsource in the other room and camera at the other.
RE: Indigo Renders...
@notareal said:
If you are interested about bias in rendering, I suggest reading this
^ explains biased and unbiased. Did you know, even unbiased renderer can fail - make a tiny hole in a wall and see if light comes trough.
RE: What the Internet knows about you
@xrok1 said:
i didn't know these discussions were limited to one sided discussions. i'm just saying that paranoia breeds paranoia and reason gets lost along the way. paranoia is a much more dangerous form of terrorism IMO.
I would rather say that paranoia breeds from ignorance and fear. Eighter way it's dangerous. Personally I prefer not to leak my privat information, that includes my web surfing habits - do I suffer paranoia and am I less free? I don't think so.
@xrok1 said:
thanks for the spam, but who cares!
And that was not ment to limit discussion?
You made your point perfectly clear.
RE: 10 drugs NOT to take when driving
Know your poison, Thujone is the active chemical in absinthe. Or was... I am not sure if modern absinthe contains it anymore. But it's likelly that the alcohol in absinthe is far more dangerous than the tiny amount of thujone that absinthe may or may not contain.
RE: What the Internet knows about you
xrok1, is this corner bar or what, if this disturbs your daily life, you might not want to open this particular forum - use the freedom you have. I dont see this as paranoija, just curiosity to see how things do work and sometimes one can create unexpected results from it. Feel free to leave tracks of you internet life, but I think it's good to know, if these tracks can be gathered.
But back to the topic... For my understanding it's based to on how browser request the style of visited websites. Nothing is gathered from the computer, the site sends a hidden list of links and then browser ask style for those links. Based on asked style the server knows that you have visited on a website. If history is cleaned or java script is disabled then this does not work. -
RE: Building a workstation (super computer)
@notareal said:
My P6T Deluxe is first generation, not V2. Have not noticed any problems with it, but I do not overclock and cooling works well.
V2 is actually "downgrade" from plain P6T Deluxe for me, as it's missing a Marvell 88SE6320 controller. So one cannot connect that meny HDs. But if I recall right P6T Deluxe V2 has better SLI support (might not pe issues unless you want 3xSLI). Have not looked on other than P6T Deluxe and P6T Deluxe V2, so no comments on other versions. It's true that there is no SLI with quadro fx 1800, so SLI is not a issue, unless you want room for upgrade.
RE: Building a workstation (super computer)
My P6T Deluxe is first generation, not V2. Have not noticed any problems with it, but I do not overclock and cooling works well.
RE: SU -> Kerkythea texture export problem.
Most likely if you make those roof textures as unique, the problem goes away.