At fist clance it may look like a simple party cup...
Where did you find those, and is it the same Mike each time?
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
RE: What's your beginners tip?
This may have been said before but please SAVE YOUR MODEL FREQUENTLY, Every few minutes, just take the 10 seconds out to push [CTRL] + [S]. you don't want to be in the position where your model bug splats (crashes) and you lose all your work. I learned this the hard way, but i hope you won't.
Another tip: Learn by watching. Look at other users' models, especially their WIP (Work in progress. AKA an unfinished model) models. You might see how they do it. You might learn a new trick or a new way to use a certain tool. Don't be afraid to ask someone how they made a model either. -
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Yes. In fact, I am almost finished the body and will be moving on to the details soon. Screenies!
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
AGHHHHH! thats really annoying. But its obviously looped.
RE: Is the Gallery section starting to resemble 3DWH?
And then there are rednecks like me who just southern the place up
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Kinda off topic (alot off topic. actually XD) but do you know what Rogue's old 2008 logo looked like? Im kinda curious
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
@unknownuser said:
A feur de lis with N over an S over it
Ok. Thanks.
Now we can use the thread for models again! Yay! XD
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Well, since i got a few new plugins, i think i can get this little project finished in no time! Thanks plugins! NOTE; This car is a hatchback for Hobbnob because he helped me with the NOSA Louisiana SP model. Thanks a ton, Hobb!
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
@ehaflett said:
[attachment=0:hwo3ivjz]<!-- ia0 -->Cookiemonster.gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:hwo3ivjz]
XD I remember that. It was on Cake Bos or something, right? XD
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
In refrence to my logo, i don't want anything textured. Nope. No changin colors. Like it or not, thats what im doing. IM WORDERING ABOUT THE DESIGN OF THE LOGO.
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
@unknownuser said:
Nope. But it didn't happen to you either! Whew!
What would have happened in a server crash?
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
I have a wormhole to models...go to the home screen and click one of the models at the bottom. You will go to ratings an find someone who rated your model. Find your model in their ratings. The warehouse deleted all my models. Hope it didn't happen to you.
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
Ok, just was wondering if you noticed because all of your models are like that (no "flare")
RE: My Models (~goldenfrog~)
@unknownuser said:
The spoke looks almost push pulled (it isn't) but check this picture out. See how the rim kinda has "flare"