Haven't been able to work much on it at all lol. I'll post when i am able to work on anything XD
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
@unknownuser said:
Ooh, a creeper. Bu that seems like a pretty easy model to make. It's just made of blocks, but cool nonetheless.
Maybe, but not when i am texturing each individual pixel with a specific color. The texture was fuzzy so im just manually doing it. lol. It's just for fun, nothing amazing XD
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Also, I may be working on a little who-knows-what space ship or something IDK XD
also, working on a creeper! -
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Short answer- no.
Long answer-no.
But I'm back XD. Yeah...so....ill post pics of what I'm working on later. -
RE: NOLA Saint's WIP
Ohai. Well, check back in a few weeks during Mardi Gras (Spring Break xD)
I hope to get some done then!
But i has a little project I've been working on before my hiatus. Im making an Axis Coupรฉ as well as a Rally Edition/Hatcback.
So....whats up with you guys? xD
OH! Almost forgot. No blender work recently, but i do have this from earlier (liek Mid December i think.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4_sz1FI0Vs&feature=player_profilepage -
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
Looks comfy cozy....? xD Nice ship! Looks like it is made out of leather or something though TBH. =|
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
Well Boo pretty much got it. It was rocking chair (rocking...CHAIRman)
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Ok... XD Well, try to focus on the THINGS he might be.... A (blank) =, a (blank),....two word answer that is a a thing/object. The answer has nothing to do with a person though XD
Executive Chair? (Rocker)
Oooooooooo i dont EXACTLY know if what your saying is what i meant, but i think youve got it, or something really close. Could you clarify? XD But im pretty sure you got it.
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
I have horrible Graphics specs XD Well, its meant for 2d xP. I am having trouble with texturing and stuff, maybe i could get some help from you xP I need to show you the vid. I cant get the particles to look like particles xD it looks like a smoke cloud. xP Help! XD
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
XD Np! If you want, you can upload to rapidshare or mediashare and just insert the download link in a SCF post! But anyway, what i was going to say was I m currently working on a neat animation which is supposed to look like a star emitting some sort of radiation (maybe because of the thing i am about to mention) and that radiation going into a quasar-like object! Neat-o XD Ill let you know when i finish, i think i got a good thing going here XD Now waiting for that render to finish xD
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
Thanks, maybe you should post the file here in advance that way if i (or anyone for that matter) needs it, it will be there. I say that because i see confusion emerging in the future
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
Well thanks! Ill try that when i get a sec
I assume you mean 3D smoke? Because i watched a tutorial on that. But anyway, thanks! Ill tell you if i need any more help
Oh and i will upload my result later XD
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
@builder boy said:
I don't know if this one has already been taken:
[attachment=0:2ru6kswk]<!-- ia0 -->Test.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2ru6kswk]Would that be Bullied?
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
Ok... XD Well, try to focus on the THINGS he might be.... A (blank) =, a (blank),....two word answer that is a a thing/object. The answer has nothing to do with a person though XD
RE: Blender Information / Advice Thread
Cool Goldenfrog! How did you do that? Id love to know XD. Oh, and Tom, thanks for the link, i will definitely check it out!
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
So If you give up on mine, want me to give the answer? xP
RE: Visual Puns & Puzzles
Well here is a hint to mine: He holds a high position of power. Bad hint maybe XP