Unfortunately your SketchUp model is NOT a manifold solid.
To successfully 3d-print such a form it should be.
See the attached image from SolidInspector² which list hundreds of issues [once the geometry - excluding the loose edge near the origin is grouped].
A 'solid' is a group/component which contains just edges and faces, and where every edge supports exactly two faces.
So that means no nested containers like groups [you have 70], no faceless edges, no faces with just one edge [you have several] - like shelves, flaps and holes, no internal partitions where a edge would have three or more faces, no otherwise solid forms sharing an edge [with four faces], and finally no self-intersecting forms which might still report as 'solid' but which cannot be 3d-printed.
I'm afraid you need a lot of manual fixing of this model.
It cannot be 'automated', because the issues are so convoluted...
[image: klN0_Capture.PNG]