I regret the inconvenience. That's my fault. I reduced the value of the variable 've.length' too much. This led to the appearance of artifacts. Now everything is fine, I changed this value to 0.00001.mm
The value chosen by you 0.25mm is not very good, it generates additional points when the scene is exporting.
📷 GIF Exporter 1.1 | create animated GIFs from SketchUp models with customizable settings
RE: [Plugin] ShadowProjector
RE: [Plugin] ShadowProjector
Hello Friend.
You made a very good plugin. But I have problems in using it. I get artifacts with a shadow. Can you help me with this problem?
I installed this plugin in 2017 -
Shadows to Vector
Please help me find a plugin that can convert sun shadows to vector in PDF format elements