To answer your question I manually initate an export the of data to a file, so it is static. It's not point cloud type data, I'm thinking of just parsing the file for area and distance between slices. But I think there may be the possibility to catch the data in an active form, I'll look into that.
To make the data usefull I need the ability to transform it from a raw circular area to a rectangular shape of variing aspect ratio, or have the option to not change the shape. It's hard to describe but an example would be where you would want to have a 4/3 aspect on the little end and circular on the big end, or different ratios for each end. Because the aspect ratio is changing from one to the other as you progress along the stack of hundreds of slices I imagine this is a hard thing to do? Once the shape has been transformed you would want to adjust the physical alignment, in the example drawing above I have slid them all to one side to form a flat surface. I had thought this action could be handled by an existing plugin. Then once everything is in the selected alignment you would then form the outer skin and eliminate the inner surfaces from each layer. That's what I've got so far.