@ken28875 said:
@desertraven said:
Hi Ken that looks very impressive. Can you give us a rough run down of how you created this masterpiece in SU? Can you even move around in that massive scene how many tris? How is this structured (Components, groups)?
What plug ins did you use most and what were the biggest challenges using SU to create this?
Hi Olav/ DesertRaven,
Thanks for you nice comment. I really appreciate that you are interested and ask questions about the process.
If you want to see the different steps, please check out this thread:
Basically, I started with basic shapes (cubes, cylinders, etc.) and slowly added details.
The file is actually not that big, about 41MB. The model has 1,808,844 faces (tris and quads), or maybe a little bit more.
I used groups as well as lots of components for repetitive elements.
It took me about 3 weeks, working a few hours each night to finish the starship.
The plugins mostly used were:
- Tools on Surface
- Basic tool set (Line, Arc, Circle, Push, Pull, scale, etc.)
- TIG's Extrusion Tools
- Joint Push Pull/NUL Transformation
Hope this helps. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask. 
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
My interview with Nomer:
My interview with Sketchupartists.org:
I am David , from Hong Kong, I just want to know if I add a quadro K4000 card that can let me make complex SU models like yours?? I am now working on 80-100M models but I felt very slow.
My Computer config.
CPU : xeon E4650 x 2, supermicro workstation motherboard, 32G ECC RAM , SSD samsung 840 pro 256G, GTX 660 . I want to import 3ds files into sketchup for rendering.
Please help!!!
Thanks in advance!