First of all: I am NOT a programmer, so there is ZERO error handling on this quick-and dirty script. I had tried TIG's solution, but did not work on my DWG because some of the arcs would "clip" others as they were rebuilt by the script.
So I wrote this small routine to:
- loop through imported AutoCAD entities.
- select curves and group them (individually)
- create a more refined clone of the curve (the number of segments is controlled by two parameters. See script)
- Delete the original curve.
Anyone is welcome to turn this snippet into something better and more reusable.
theModel = Sketchup.active_model
#selEntities = theModel.selection
allEntities = theModel.entities
Collect user values:
prompts = ["Minimum number of segments:", "Minimum Segment Length:"]
defaults = [36, 10]
input = UI.inputbox(prompts, defaults, "Enter Desired Settings")
#set minimum length for each arc segment (in model units)
userSegs = input[0]
minLen = input[1]
allEntities.each do |i|
if (i.typename == "Edge")
aCurve = i.curve
if (aCurve)
Sel = theModel.selection unless defined?(Sel)
Sel.add (aCurve.edges)
newGroup = allEntities.add_group (theModel.selection)
#not a Curve
theModel = Sketchup.active_model
allEntities = theModel.entities
Loop through all entities
allEntities.each do |i|
#open Groups, search for Curves
if (i.typename == "Group")
#Loop through array of Entities inside each Group
subset = i.entities
subset.each do |s|
curve = s.curve
if it is a curve, collect a few properties
if (curve)
get coord. transformation, since entities are in a group
#use "transform" below to translate to global coordinates
cCenter =! (tr)
cSangle = curve.start_angle
cEangle = curve.end_angle
cRadius = curve.radius
cNormal = curve.normal.transform! (tr)
cXaxis = curve.xaxis.transform! (tr)
cYaxis = curve.yaxis.transform! (tr)
cLength = curve.length
#UI.messagebox(" Curve Length is " + cLength.to_s)
#divides arcs in minLen(model unit) increments
divSegs = (cLength / minLen).to_i
#UI.messagebox("Divided Result is " + divSegs.to_s)
#for very small arcs, sets a minimum number of segments
if (divSegs <= userSegs)
numSegs = userSegs
UI.messagebox("Using: " + numSegs.to_s)
#subdivides larger arcs using target length
numSegs = divSegs.to_i
UI.messagebox("using Divided total" + numSegs.to_s)
myarc = allEntities.add_arc cCenter,cXaxis,cNormal,cRadius,cSangle,cEangle,numSegs
#Erases original
end # if curve
end # entities inside group loop
end # if it is a group
end #loop through all entities