Et on peut faire du autolisp ou vlisp avec DoubleCad XT ?
RE: Pour du DWG gratuit ...
RE: Bloc autocad
Faudrait ptet voir avec TIG pour son plugin, voir s'il ne peut pas faire qqh ?
RE: Une journée pour les utilisateurs de Sketchup
Ca m'intéresse aussi ! Reste à voir si c'est compatible avec mon emploi du temps.
RE: SketchUcation & Music?
La route du rock ! Claasse ! ^^
@ Boofredlay: A shiny kit! How to spend your time cleaning fingerprints...
Here is my main kit, called "Germaine": -
RE: SketchUcation & Music?
@massimo said:
@unknownuser said:
My musical room:
Looking great Matt, your neighbours must be happy.
The neighbour across is deaf by the age, and the next door neighbor is a saxophonist. Great. I live in the Brittany countryside, there are many musicians here!
Here are bands I play with:- Korkoj, math noise jazz rock (ahem). 50min song.
- Mermonte, pop. Ten musicians. And a little buzz around here. We will play for the first time (directly a little french tour) in april.
- Mantys, a little bit louder. Metal Hardcore.
- Fago sepia, math rock band. I replace band drummer when he can't tour. We will tour in Canad in august.
A little video on a balcony in Rennes (do you know balcony TV?) with fago sepia. I'm the one with calabash.
RE: Repeat Last command??
I tried to do a script that recalls last command. Seems to not work with mac.
You just have to create a shortcut. -
RE: SketchUcation & Music?
Ah yes I also play this trumpet, Gaieus! ^^
great collection, Boofredlay! With which jazz big band did you toured?
My musical room:Missing a few parts and instruments in those photos.
SketchUcation & Music?
Hi all.
To satisfay my curiosity, do you play music?
If yes do you play in some bands?
Can you introduce your respective bands?
I play drums since 12 years, I play in 4 bands. I will present them if this topic works.
RE: [Plugin] Layer Zero Fixup Tools
I wrote a plugin some time ago that do the same thing, and you can choose entities you want to "normalize", and if the script has to analyze nested entities.
i post it here, if someone finds it useful.
RE: [Plugin] Toggle Units
Hi. I apologize for mac bugs, I have no mac to test plugins...
Did you see there is an option that lets you choose icons you want to display? You can hide fractional icon if you want. -
RE: SU 8 update
Curieux, j'avais tĂ©lĂ©chargĂ© exactement la mĂȘme version (en anglais), dĂ©sinstallĂ© SU puis rĂ©installĂ©, et il m'avait demandĂ© d'installer la nouvelle version (8.1 je prĂ©sume), qui s'est avĂ©rĂ© ĂȘtre en français.
Et là je recommence, et ça fonctionne... Bon. Bref. Tant mieux si cela fonctionne !
Merci Ă toi Laurent ! -
SU 8 update
Dites moi, savez-vous comment avoir la version updatée anglaise ? Parce que lorsque SU propose la nouvelle version, il la met systématiquement en français... Chiant, ça.
Merci !PS : Je n'ai regardé que trÚs sommairement si qqn avait déjà posté une question similaire. Désolé si doublon...
RE: Puts current module & method in ruby console
Hi Dan and Chris. Thank you for your answers !
@chris said:
Well, those braces can be expanded to as many lines of code as you would like. You could write it like this:
Yes, but I wanted to have a automated method... no need to writeModule::Sub_module.method
, just copy a line that returns current method in the ruby console.@dan said:
Why not just open the rb in an editor, and find the command in the file ?
that's what I do when I search the command. But I am not sure a "non-ruby" user could find this command easily.@unknownuser said:
BTW.. sometimes there is good reason for a command to be kept private, a commercial plugin, or a Pro only plugin.
The writer of a plugin, has the right, to not allow their plugin (or it's tools,) to be called in ways that could defeat the license, or cause other problems.
I am not saying this bit of code MUST be inserting in each plugin, of course...Just for MY personal plugins, because I like transparency..
I just asked this forum if someone had a better (or a native) way to do like my little method...
RE: Puts current module & method in ruby console
Hi Dan.
No debugging, just the command of the running plugin. If you want to know command of a plugin, just open the ruby console and run the plugin by the menu or toolbar... An information. -
Puts current module & method in ruby console
Hi all.
Sorry if you don't understand at all....
Since a long time I want to show complete method names when user starts one of my plugins.
I think I've found a solution, but not with native methods.Here is the method:
<span class="syntaxdefault">def get_current_method<br />  return </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">$</span><span class="syntaxdefault">1 if  </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">/`</span><span class="syntaxdefault">(.*)'/.match(caller.first)<br />end</span>
And code I put in all my plugins:
<span class="syntaxdefault"></span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">self</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">to_s </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">!=</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span><span class="syntaxstring">'main'</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">?</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> puts</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxstring">"#{self}.#{get_current_method}"</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">;</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> puts</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">get_current_method</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span>
Do you have a solution to do the same with some native methods? Or perhaps you use another bit of code?
Thank you!
RE: Trucs, astuces et idées
Salut !
un autre truc, je ne sais pas si cela a déjà été évoqué ici (je n'ai pas eu le courage de lire toutes les pages, Auquel cas je m'excuse pour ce doublon) : Il existe un raccourci pour supprimer la sélection courante ->
. Je ne sais pas non si ce raccourci est disponible dans les menus ! Je l'ai trouvĂ© facilement puisque c'est le mĂȘme raccourci pour Photoshop.