Thanks for the input guys.
I downloaded Virtual Dub, but am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of options. And the one series of images that I did manage to make into a movie clip was about 1.5 gigs. compared to 20 mgs coming out of Movie Maker. Obviously I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions?
RE: Images into a Movie?
Images into a Movie?
What method/program do you use to combine a series of exported images into a movie file?
I have heard suggestions of:
-Windows Movie Maker
-Quicktime Pro
-Adobe Premiere ElementsWhat do you think of these?
RE: Site Model
Well, Solo, I would love to render it, but I have Zero rendering experience so I still need to take the time to learn how....
RE: Site Model
NO not too picky, Daniel. Those are good suggestions.
That is a backdrop in the sky. I knew something didn't quite feel right but it didn't occur to me that I was missing the gradient that SU automatically puts in there. -
RE: Site Model
Here are a couple closer in views.
I adjusted the Style for these views to have longer extensions and a thicker line weight in Layout.The second one I had trouble getting all the sketchy lines to show up like I wanted. Layout seems to be real finicky sometimes about what it will show or not.
RE: Site Model
Well thanks for all the encouraging words, folks.
And thanks for the suggestions:
-North Arrow- needs to calm down.
-Trees - some scale variety would be nice. (I actually have that ‘randor.rb’ ruby already)
-Cars - yeah, would liven it up a bit, and I think give a better sense of scale.And Phil, I agree that is a fine line of how far to go with texturing…
I got a couple more shots of this model that I will throw up here soon.
Site Model
My first time posting to the gallery here, so take it easy on me.
Actually I would really appreciate any constructive criticism.
The model is a first pass at a site plan for a project in China. The image is straight out of Layout, which I found to be of much better quality than exporting right out of SU. The reason for that being that you can adjust the line weight in Layout.
I textured it with mostly plain colors, except for the trees for which I made a png material so they could have some transparency.
I used style builder to create the style with a hand drafted pen line. And I added a watermark mask that very subtly softens the image.Enjoy,