This is what I've been doing lately.
Thanks for the development
This is what I've been doing lately.
Thanks for the development
@ntxdave said:
@m3one said:
Hi Fredo,
I've been working on an animation lately and it's almost finished. The last thing I want to do is to generate a video rendered with Twilight Render (free version) but I don't know how to do it. Please could you tell me how?
I am not Fredo but I can tell you that you must have the Pro version to create a rendered animation with Twilight.
That's a pity
Is there anyway to generate a video clip with a decent render for free?
Thanks for your answer!
Hi Fredo,
I've been working on an animation lately and it's almost finished. The last thing I want to do is to generate a video rendered with Twilight Render (free version) but I don't know how to do it. Please could you tell me how?
After some tests I'm really impressed with capabilities and quality of this extension. It can be done almost anything, it's well structured and not difficult to learn, specially following the video-tutorials which are awesome.
I've some comments/improvements if you want to consider:
-->Option to scale the timeline. If the animation longs more than 2 minutes takes time to move over the timeline.
-->I think it'd be awesome to be able to delete and duplicate Unit Movements, Cameras, etc. I don't mean their instances but the object itself.
-->Traslations and rotations are refered to SU global axes. It'd be great if there is an option to refer these movements to the object local axes. For example, if you are animating a forward traslation for a car, if you refer this traslation to its local axes and you rotate the car, it will go forward.
-->If you have a tracking camera followed by another tracking camera with different points of views but which both follow the same object you hope that the camera also follows the object in the traslation between the first and the second camera, but this doesn't happen. I think it's a good improvement.
-->Finally, I don't know if this is a bug or I don't know how to do it, but I tried to add two movements to the car wheels, two rotations, one for the movement and the other one for steering, but the results weren't as I expected. The wheels were rolling baddly.
By the way, I'm quite new in SU and I don't know how to render the video with the Twilight V2 (I can render static images but not the movie). How is this done?
That's all for now. Thanks for the developing!
@rich o brien said:
@m3one said:
I answer myself, the pluginstore is on this web
I just installed both, the animator and the libfredo6, the problem is that I didn't find the same version letter (Animator is v1.2a and LibFredo6 is 7.2d) but I think they work.
It seems that this project is abandoned.. it's a real pity, I think is a real powerful tool.
I don't know where to start....
Why is not having the same letter a problem?
And why is an Extension that's 3 weeks old abandoned?
The issue of the letter is on the download section of the first post, but fredo just confirmed they are compatible.
Sorry guys for thinking that the project was abandoned, I took conclusions too fast. I didn't mean to upset you.
I'm currently preparating an animation for a project my company is developing. The animation consists on several cars going on a motorway, turning, accelerating, breaking and so on. I planned to do it with msphysics, but I think the animator is better.
I'll let you know any comments, bugs, etc. that I see.
Thanks for your hard work!
@anton_s said:
Hi M3one,
At the moment, you can refer to this tutorial on curvy joints. can also check out this example model at 3Dwarehouse.
Thanks Anton, I'll check it later
@m3one said:
I can't find the Animator plug-in on the extension warehouse. On the first post sais that it is on the pluginstore but I don't know what that is. Please can you help me?
By the way, I did find the LibFredo6 on the extension warehouse.
I answer myself, the pluginstore is on this web
I just installed both, the animator and the libfredo6, the problem is that I didn't find the same version letter (Animator is v1.2a and LibFredo6 is 7.2d) but I think they work.
It seems that this project is abandoned.. it's a real pity, I think is a real powerful tool.
I'm want to do a path following object, but I don't really know how. I found on this thread that it's done with curvy joints, but I'm lost. Please, can you explain how or do you have kind of example?
I can't find the Animator plug-in on the extension warehouse. On the first post sais that it is on the pluginstore but I don't know what that is. Please can you help me?
By the way, I did find the LibFredo6 on the extension warehouse.