A quick question if I may?
I realize that Trimble's 3Dwarehouse has undergone some pretty extensive updates and overhauls for 2014, and I would like to know this?
What has happened to the Model Editing feature to the warehouse? It used to be a simple matter for hobbyist modelers such as myself to poke at a project slowly over time, when life permits, and again over time, update our models without affecting the collections which said model resided in.
Now I find however that on the surface of things, the model editing feature has been removed, so would that mean any updates to a model I wish to perform entail deleting my older version, upload the newer, and hope whatever collection the model was a part of would be picked up on again by the person(s) responsible for collecting my model in the first place?
I'm sorry but this isn't entirely acceptable! 
Let's take an example of this.. Let's say I've made a model some time ago, two years maybe, a model that seems to be rather popular and one that is a replica of a rather well known space ship... Now let's say I've done some improvements to the model since last I've posted or updated it now that my skills as a hobbyist artisan have improved.. If the editing feature no longer exists, does this mean I must delete my well received replica from the warehouse, upload my updated version, and hope those who collected my replica initially will again choose my newer update and re-add it to their collection?
This is looking more and more of a TOTAL HEADACHE, and I'm sure I'm not the only hobbyist artist who feels this way?
Any speculation as to whether or not Trimble will reintroduce the model editing features back to the warehouse, or is this simply wishful thinking? 
Thank you for any feedback on this matter.