I solved this problem by subtracting the long & lat lines, then unioned the swipes. I'm still not clear on why adding all of the elements did not work, but I ended up with a usable solid.
Latest posts made by lmtsketch
RE: Merging Solids into World Piece
Merging Solids into World Piece
I have a dome representing a globe slice that I want to merge lat & long lines along with a swipe of tubes. I have tried using Outer Shell, Intersect, Union along with Solid Inspector, Solid Solver, & Cleanup3 to create a solid that I will need to combine with additional solids to create the final object for a 3D print. I have failed using various sequences of all of these tools. Can someone show me the proper operations to use to create this solid? All of the pieces are offset from the origin in 50m steps.
RE: Troubles converting into a Solid
I have recreated this model and I am creating a new post.
Troubles converting into a Solid
I an unable to convert my model into a solid. I have attempted several different methods without success. I have crashed Sketchup Pro 2018 several times in the process. Is this model salvageable? I have tried Cleanup3, SolidSolver, and Solid Inspector 2. Thanks
RE: Don't Panic, Fix a minor problem causes panic & major proble
Yes, This time the file opened properly. I saved the parts separately and they are still good solids. I would appreciate any details on how you fixed these parts.
RE: Don't Panic, Fix a minor problem causes panic & major proble
I get the same result as the first model. The only opened the file and the faces are missing.
RE: Don't Panic, Fix a minor problem causes panic & major proble
The first image is what I see when I first open the model you attached. The model has open spaces. The 2nd image is the Sketchup crash report when I run Solid Solver on this model.
RE: Don't Panic, Fix a minor problem causes panic & major proble
Your fix worked the first time through. I then saved each item as a component and then opened the component as a new file in order to have 2 part models. Now SolidSolver does not work on the component(I get the fix error again when trying to save. I also reopened a backup file to try and start over, this time SolidSolver blew up Sketchup and sent an error report. I am going backwards. [I did create the original 2 pieces by copying and mirroring (Flip along green, rotate blue]
Don't Panic, Fix a minor problem causes panic & major proble
I have a model that I have printed parts from, then I made some modifications (not in the problem area) but now when I save the model, Sketchup 17 wants to repair errors and opens some faces that I cannot close after the Sketchup fixes are applied.I have tried closing the faces with lines, ThomThom Cleanup2, and Microsoft 3D builder on the stl. None have worked. I would like to fix it within Sketchup. I would appreciate some advice. Thanks.
RE: Creating 3D Printable Footpad
OK, after some sleep, I successfully repeated what you did. Even scarier,I understand what you did.
THANKS for the great help!