I was wondering if anyone here is interested in modelling a world globe for payment? Or have a globe avaliable that theyĀ“re willing to sell. It must work in Sketchup with ease and be renderable with Vray.
Obviously Sketchup Warehouse quality is not what IĀ“m looking for, but neither is one of those huge exact modells avaliable for 2000 USD.
I understand this could be modelled in a hundered different ways. I need one that...
1. ...is high res
2. ...I can change the colour of the water and land (the water as one object/component/group and the land as another, not divided with land borders and different countries)
3. ...has good topography or great terrain (or both of course)
(If someone has a great globe that doesnĀ“t match the exact criteria, please let me look at it, it might do just fine)
Something similar to this would be nice (again, if it looks good and works for me, itĀ“s good enough. Nothing has to be EXACT):