Hi there !
I had the same problem not long ago and I applied the following solution :
1-when you download a vismat, you are provided with a folder containing several files.
Usually the vismat itself, a bump file, a displacement file, AND a diffuse file.
2-When your vismat is imported, select it with the eyedropper tool of the Material window in sketchup. Then in the Vray material Editor, in the "diffuse" section, click on the blue M between "color" and "transparency".
3-In the Vray texture Editor, select TexBitmap in the list right Under the preview window.
4-At the top of the window you're in, fill the "file" field by browsing and selecting the diffuse file that came with your downloaded vismat folder. It is a jpeg that usually has either a D or a "Diffuse" in its name.If it's already selected before browsing, act as if it was not, and select it + ok.
5-Click ok and look at your material in your model now.
Now it appears as such, and not as a plain meaningless color.
Note that now, you can scale it like any sketchup material in the Material window of sketchup.
From a beginner to another, my solution might not be so academic, but it worked for me. If it does for you, I'll be glad, since very simple questions for beginners generate very few interrest/answer in this forum. Unfortunately.
B good and tell me about it.

Lampe au Néon Pelle à Tarte
@Lampe au Néon Pelle à Tarte
Latest posts made by Lampe au Néon Pelle à Tarte
RE: Vray Material preview
RE: Vismat materials sketchup+vray
Hello. I am a beginner, so please be indulgent if my answer lacks pertinence. I have met the same issue lately. I had to discover myself how to resolve it since in here, it seems the simpler and more basic the question, the rarer the answer. I respect that, as it reminds me Spinoza's "narcissism of small differences" concept. (damn, who the heck do I think I am ?!)
Try this as a temporary, yet could work solution:
select your material in the Vray material editor
click on the blue M in the "Diffuse" area
make sure the file you have selected in top is the one that came with your vismat. If not, browse and select it.(has a _d, or diff at end)
type OK to come back to the Vray material editor window.By this time, you should notice that your material appears visually as such in your model.
Select it and scale it in the material window of sketchup.Now, if you find how to make the pattern to start from a precise point (usefull for a glass blocks door for instance) please let me know.
Bon courage.
RE: Beginner needs tips on vismats
Hello again,
I've watched some vids of Chaos group which were quite useful. I understand now the difference between bump and displacement. Tough subjects indeed for a beginner.
Am I right by saying the above mentioned issue about my crazy stonewall (image) is not a bump/displacement issue ? If so, considering that it happens a lot, leaving me no choice but to choose an other vismat, how can I avoid this obviously heavy kind of error ?
Par avance, merci.
RE: Beginner needs tips on vismats
Thanks for your quick answer.
I'll sure Watch the vids you mention. If I get your tip about this material, I should check displacement. I'll do that, but indeed try and understand first how vismats work. With about a million settable parameters, I sure need method. (And humility, which we frenchies usually lack
Merci et à bientôt / LNPT
Beginner needs tips on vismats
Hello everyone,
I lately started auto-training to reconfigurate my pro life around the drawing part of architecture. I'm about ok on Acad for plans/elev/cuts, which are 90% of my work. Yet some of my architect clients ask more and more for rendered images.
I choosed skp+Vray for that, but as a beginner, I bump into several issues I can't clear through. Before coming around here, I spent unsuccessfull hours trying to find. thanks in advance for your indulgence.
- RT render : I have a GPU (in my NVIDIA quadro 600). Would I render faster with RT render (how does it work/ how to cleverly config it) ?
- Vismats : I get bad results most of the time such as image ?
Sorry for the low level of stimulation my questions might provide you, I promiss I'll improve as quick a possible.
Thank you.