simple and nice design. realy like the the style of presentation. do you share your models anywhere?

RE: Wooden bench
RE: Mortise and Tenon collection
thx for nice collection. names would be handy. some of them seems to made-up by you and very difficult to manufacture.
RE: Sketchup for linux???
thank you very much. I am not a window cleaner, but I work with windows. My friend prefers penguins and would like to try sketchup. thx again.
Sketchup for linux???
hi, sorry for this topic, but i can not find thread for sketchup for linux. where can i download sketchup for linux??
@cotty said:
Maybe something like double-rabbet?
It has some similarity to a Dado joint or a Cross Lap Joint (and here)?
Be careful, these are onyl some results from a google search without knowing anything about this topic
many thx for links
RE: "Barca" lounge chair
really good idea, nice product, superb renders thumb up
RE: Cool Tutorial on Ronen's Site
nice tut. thx for sharing the link. the picture in this tutorial = 5% sketchup, 5% vray, 90% photoshop
RE: Hrvati
congratulation chorvatsko
I am just wondering who will be first out.
How many pluging were made?
i am just wondering,
how many plugins for sketchup has been made from sketchup first release? did any count them?