Thank you so much. What a simple solution...
i have digitized contours from a PDF file into SU 7.1 and have set each one at its assigned elevation. Using the sandbox tool produces the terrain. However, the terrain does not completely match the contour lines. Some depressions are filled and ridges are sometimes ignored.
Paul Raymond
Yes, the cursor just sits and spins indefinitely. In addition, i cannot change from raster to vector on any pages. FYI I have a duel core processor and a hefty graphics card. When the cursor is "cooking" I am using about 50% memory. There is no problem moving or orbiting the image in Sketchup. The file is about 12 meg.
I just discovered that i cannot export the typical section, floor plan or electrical plan to a PDF file. The other pages will go but, as before, the cursor just "cooks" when coming to typical section. These pages were created in Sketchup under Section Plane using "Create Group or Slice" and edited in Layout.
Paul Raymond
I have created a small shop design in SketchUp. When going to Layout it seems to pick up the file okay. However, when placing the cursor on page "typical section," "electrical plan," or "floor plan" the cursor just "cooks" with no response. when trying to change setting from "Raster" to "Vector" it does the same thing. So I cannot read those three pages or even change the name of them or anything else.