it worked!!! thanks solo, sorry if i kinda snapped at you before, i was just kinda ticked at SU...
oh and thankd for the texture tip above. but wait, what is it supposed to do?
it worked!!! thanks solo, sorry if i kinda snapped at you before, i was just kinda ticked at SU...
oh and thankd for the texture tip above. but wait, what is it supposed to do?
no, i mean that i can have a seamless textured bowl (with projected texture), and when i render it, it looks all tiled and everything. and it looks like the texture is really tinny, even if i scale it up. what gives?
oh and btw, im not yet using bumps, so you can scratch out that option.
a projected texture is when you - wait for it - project a texture! you know how when you put a texture on a curved face, i becomes all tilled and everything, filling in the little squares of the hidden geometry. if you project it, you get a nice, smooth, seamless texture. ill try to get some examples
ok ok! im sorry for having like, 5 post in a row.
heres the finished render!
the second one is me trying at projected textures... and failing. podium aparantly doesnt like projected textures.
new render baking! just playing around w/reflection and light.
btw, does podium support projected textures? i cant seem to get mine to work. and podium doesnt support light refraction, does it? that why the glass ball im rendering looks hollow...
looks good. very tuner car-y . leems to have a really long nose though. maybe its just the perspective.
observe the greatest race car to ever exist (atleast until ferarri relaeses its ne F1 car)
just me playing around (i know, is kinda low-poly):¤t=20080305125301_1m57s.png
get a better roof texture. you can see it reapeating in the second photo
great model!! you make tractors look good! i personaly prefer the matte finish to the shinny. just my 2 cents. add some shine on the glass though.
because i really dont want to jack this thread, why dont you go to the podium forums (idex page> extentions and external aplications> podium) and ask about it? happy rendering!
im at school right now, so ill see what i can render in study hall.
hey! welcome to the forums!
depends on the metal you are trying to replicate. chrome is simple: make the face grey then select the fave and move the "reflection" slider all the way up
brushed metal: SU has a pretty good texture for this. put it on the face and dont do anything to the sliders. later on you can use bump maps for a more real effect.
mind to tell me what metal you are trying to make?
ive got another render, er, rendering right now. coming soon!
man! did you guys jack this thread or what? we started discussing what we wanted in podium 2.0 and now you're arguing over what is the best kind of manual! can we pleas get back on topic?
new one! indor scene, and the floor got screwed up. oh well, the car looks cool! sorry if its a little dark. view full to get full impact! (ie: click on the picture)
thx remus. ill try. in themean time, heres another render (the floor glitched again. i just copy the model to another file, right?) :
ok, skrew indigo!!!!! i am soo pissed at it right now! not only did i spend my time uninstalling and reinstalling it 2 times, now it has messed with my prefrences!!!! now, instead of starting with the normal SU screen, it starts with the view from the top, completly monochrome style and no bryce!!! and no matter what i do, it wont go back!!
i went so far as to remove all my plugins fron the plugins folder, leaving only indigo and its path to the program, and it still wont work!!! i still get error mesages ever time i try to use it, and the buttons dont show up!!!!
i am officialy boycoting indigo. end of story. bye bye! podium RULES
hey, looks awsome! i would ask you if you would like it rendered, but the model is probably too big for my wimpy computer. (ive had SU crash just because it couldnt hande the size of a model)
great model none the less!
fresh from the oven! i dont know what happened to the ball on the left, maybe it started to "cut" in to the car?
this took about 1700/10,000 iterations of the podium render script. on my wimpy computer that might as well have no grafix card.
next up: indor scenes!
right now i have another render baking. i didnt playaround w/ the lighting, just with reflection. comings soon! (ie, when i get back from school).