[req]Tool to add or remove objects into(out) the group
Tool to add or remove objects into/out the group/Components Through Click
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
@daniel s said:
@hsjzyangbin said:
wish to have a visual interface control nodes of the function like YAD
here is an example:About visual interface control nodes... Something like this is possible? (Like most 2d Vector software)
[attachment=1:21zf7cs5]<!-- ia1 -->simulation.gif<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:21zf7cs5][attachment=2:21zf7cs5]<!-- ia2 -->bezier.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:21zf7cs5]
"A quadratic BĂ©zier curve has a start and an end point (blue dots) and just one control point (red dot) while a cubic BĂ©zier curve uses two control points."
Daniel S
maybe some difference:
visual interface control number of nodes
[flash=][attachment=0:21zf7cs5]<!-- ia0 -->2010-03-18_0456.swf<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:21zf7cs5][/flash]thank you
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
wish to have a visual interface control nodes of the function like YAD
here is an example:best regards
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
I used Bonzai3d to do it .
thanks a lothsjzyangbin
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Loft
@tig said:
[attachment=0:mpce8awt]<!-- ia0 -->Twisted.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:mpce8awt]
is there any plugins forums that control the start/end point of line?
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
Hope to improve the function :control point along z axis
maybe add "ctrl" key to control XY plan or z plan
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
I have a idea that 2Dtools could be used to XZ plan or YZ plan rather than XYplan -
RE: [Plugin] Manifold v2.2
HI,TIG,is there have some differece between trigulaer face .rb and Manifold v1.4?
RE: [Plugin] Milling Tools
I have found two omissions:
1, select the faces necessary for the positive and negative behavior will be crash
2, two face intersecting must be four points, five points, there will be non-operational status
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails
Further to say, I chose as a semi-circular and semi-rectangular as their path, get the desired effect of lathe will not be able to do
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails
If 2face +2 path can do it, it would be a pioneering
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails
@tig said:
EEbyRails won't replace Lathe as the method and results are quite different...
I chose the semi-circle as a profiles,I finally get the same effects of lathe
here is test:
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails
I think Extrude Edges by Rails had replaced Extrude Edges by edges ,SO I use Extrude Edges by Rails only ,did you?
RE: [Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails
@tig said:
Here's a brief tut' on making Lathed shapes with EEbyRv2
Thank you TIG for detailed answers, which helps to me , I am now able to make alot of mesh surface, SKETCHUP will eventually develop into a more powerful software than 3DMAX step by step,TIANK Again