Yes, it is a demo of gif animation.
The demo in the animation, is of a karate style that has deep roots in jujitsu, hence the aikido like technique. The key to the technique is the timing to intercept the kick by the body while the kicking leg is still bent. Doing so while advancing, mutes the kick, and unbalances the kicker. It is then a simple matter to hook the attacking leg. Actually, the point of the demo was to show how important it is to walk naturally, while focusing your attention behind the attacker, and not on the position of the kick itself.
The raw footage is from a video recorder filming at 30 fps. The animation plays back at 5 fps, providing the opportunity to take the technique apart. Until I animated the sequence, I had not noticed how the technique was executed. Martial arts training is such that you stumble through, eventually getting it by perseverance. Sometimes I think that its the stumbling that's important, not the technique itself.