@ledisnomad said:
I'm no expert, but I try to keep up on exactly what you're looking for: bang-for-the-buck hardware. My office just bought a new laptop for presentations, but it needed to be robust enough to support real-time fly-through and design charrettes. We got an Alienware laptop from Dell. Although the Alienware is great, the 15" uncustomized model is $1200, perhaps a little more than your budget. However, the uncustomized Dell XPS 17" with similar power, maybe even a little more, is listed as $949. The only thing I'd upgrade on that is from Windows 7 Home to Pro for $130, so $1079, just over your budget.
You can find equally powerful laptops from many other companies that cost less than alienware does too. Other than the M11x (which is essentially a gaming netbook) their lowest base price listed at the moment is $1,200 USD before taxes and shipping.
If you are looking to get bang-for-your-buck hardware, then alienware is usually at the bottom of the list. The problem with alienware is that they have so much brand-hype and marketing behind their systems that they charge far more than what would otherwise be available elsewhere.
Just for some "budget" examples.
1200 dollars for that, and that laptop outperforms my desktop. My desktop is no slouch, and cost more than that just for the tower.
The problem with that m17x alienware unit is that you are paying extra for the nvidia 3dvision. Do you really need that?