
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@box said:
or, Man leans over to woman and whispers, "Can I smell your Pussy?" Woman replies indignantly "No of course you can't. "Oh" says the man, "It must be your feet!"
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Scenario :
Lady : "Excuse me sir, I find the smell of apple and cinnamon coming from your vape to be offensive and I'd like you to stop vaping it while I am dining with my friends and family in this Cafe"
Me : "I find the smell of your perfume offensive, how about you go home and take a shower.....by the way, your feet smell too. And how about that cheese platter those people are eating on the table behind you ?....I overheard you comment that it smelled disgusting. Are you going to complain to them"
......or, an alternative response :
Me : "Certainly lady, I'll cease vaping my apple and cinnamon. Fortunately, I have 8 other flavours to choose from. I have Blueberries and Cream, Caramel Apple, Pineapple and Mango, Honey Fig, Strawberry, Cuppochino, Red Bull, and Banana Pudding. Would you like to choose one for me ?"
RE: Happy Birthday, Rich O Brien...
I am as punctual as Majid....!
....a belated Happy Birthday Rich
.....geeeeeeez, it only seems like a year ago when you had your last birthday.....!!
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
What I find interesting Oli is that they have defined smoke to widely and somewhat ambiguously include vaping without mentioning vaping.
When read in conjunction with the interpretation of tobacco product it could be construed as including vaping.
If I am in a bar or cafe I generally ask if it is ok to use the vape, and, so far, they have all given it the thumbs up.....except that last Sunday we went to a Pub for lunch and we were dining outside. I pulled out the vape after we had eaten and was very politely asked by a Waitress to cease. Perhaps I should have asked first.
I explained that I was vaping, not smoking. Nevertheless, I obliged her request.
This prompted me to have a look at the legislation and I was surprised by the controls contained in the legislation by using the instrument of 'interpretation' they have assigned to 'smoke' and 'tobacco products'. And here is the problem....governments can use whatever wording they like to set out their intentions for interpretation.
Whilst we all agree that smoking and vaping are two entirely different things, the government, by their definitions, seem to have deliberately set out to include vaping, without even mentioning the words 'vape', 'vaping', 'electronic cigarette' etc.
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
This is interesting :
Have a look at Section 4 (Interpretation)
*smoke means smoke, hold, or otherwise have control over, an ignited tobacco product;
tobacco product meansβ
(a) a cigarette; or
(b) a cigar; or
(c) cigarette or pipe tobacco; or
(d) tobacco prepared for chewing or sucking; or
(e) snuff; or
(f) any other product containing tobacco of a kind prescribed by regulation; or
(g) any product that does not contain tobacco but is designed for smoking,
and includes any packet, carton, shipper or other device in which any of the above is
contained;*(g) made me laugh.....I wonder if they include breakfast cereal...??!!
RE: Classic Interior Design
good use of infinite space....!
perhaps a change of field of view would show some walls
it looks like the tests carried out in the Pacific were at Muroroa Atol...the French really gave that a hammering....I'm surprised that it doesn't glow in the dark now (maybe the fish do)...!
RE: Worldβs First 3D Printed Metal Gun!
How about 3D printing a 3D printer.....?
RE: Do we have a Joke Thread goin here?
A Canadian psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four mothers and their small children.
"You all have obsessions," he observed.
To the first mother, (from Toronto) Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating sweets. You've even named your daughter Candy."
He turned to the second Mom, (from Montreal) Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."
He turned to the third Mom, Joyce (from BC): "Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy."
At this point, the fourth mother, (from Newfoundland) Carol, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand, and whispered,
"Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner ready before your big brother, Schlong, gets home from work."
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I am interested to know what the difference (in vaping experience) is between the Vivi Nova and the Kayfun.
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Hiya Oli,
I had no idea how difficult it would be here in Australia to get premixed juices with nicotine.....i should rephrase that, they are easy to order but take a bloody long time to get here.
Anyone would think we were a bloody big island stuck in the middle of nowhere....!!
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@kwistenbiebel said:
@Stefan, Olishea ,
Oh yes, I love the mech mods. I have a Sentinel M16 and a Astro coming (both clones
I did purchase a kick clone from Sigelei, however not really using it.
In case I want regulation of voltage or wattage, I prefer the Vamo or SVD.Micro coils for me are really fun. They give a 'sub ohm' experience without actually going sub ohm.
I would love to get my hands on to a Kayfun Lite or Russian 91, however they are so expensive so I ordered a Kayfun 3.1 clone from Fasttech and A genesis style RSST...Christmas present
I'm betting you'll be the first to have a nuclear powered mod....with a built in 'juice factory'....!!
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hi Gareth,
I see you are in Australia too and experiencing the 'no nicotine sale' over there.
It happened to me too.
Once I got overseas liquid (started with 18 mg and 12 mg) I could quite naturally drop the cigarettes quite easily...almost effortlessly.
So no need to beat yourself up for still smoking one or two while going through the process.Here's a list of vendors I buy from and which work well for Australia:
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
For a tobacco flavor, try 'traditional tobacco '. Some of their fruits and menthol are good too. Downside: expect up to a month delivery time from China, sometimes 3 weeks (I am in Perth). No shipping cost is a major plus!
-Mount Baker Vapor: USA. Step up quality for reasonable prices
-the Plume Room : USA, top notch quality , quite expensive but sooo yummy. I love their "banana mint milkshake" and "Honey Fig Tobacco"
- Alice In Vapeland: USA, top notch quality, expensive.
The last two are perfect to give yourself a Christmas present
Good luck and keep on vaping
Yep, the 'no nicotine' in Australia is a bloody nuisance. The nicotine juices I purchased from Niceliquid in New Zealand ended up coming from Croatia and they took forever to arrive here. I've only been vaping them for a couple of days and they had an immediate impact on my desire to smoke analogues. Whilst they are not flavours I find particularly attractive, it has given me the confidence and belief that vaping nic juices is worth all the hype I have been reading.
I was actually enjoying vaping the nic free juices for the first two weeks while I was waiting for the nic juices to arrive, even though I was having to smoke a stinkie quite often.
I bought some Plume Room juices from Delicious Monster in Sydney, but there is no nicotine in them, however they are absolutely delicious. I have recently placed a direct order with the Plume Room in the US which are 18mg nicotine. I agree that they are a little expensive, but I have given myself permission to be selfish and indulgent.....and this is still cheaper than slowly killing myself with cigarettes....!!
Thanks for the tip for Fastech.....I'll give some of those a try too
- Fasttech: cheap liquid but quite good for the price. Liqua is a good brand.
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
Seagulls continue to be a nuisance on South Australian beaches....!!
RE: Rolleiflex Automat [Model Progression Thread]
well done mate....nice piece of modelling
....just needs to be placed in a great scene for a render to give it justice
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I went out and bought a packet of stinkies this afternoon (my last packet lasted me nearly 5 days...i smoked one in then car on my way back to the office...
...when i arrived back in my office, there was a package on my desk with my nicotine juices inside it...!! WOOHOO...!!
...I've waited just over 3 weeks for these to arrive from overseas