Classic Interior Design
very subtle
(there is no image in your post) -
wow!!!! best render i've seen! like, ever!
(still no image on your post...)
Classic Minimalism...
I particularly like the attention to detail, having a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on the coffee table is brilliant.
Cool, what render engine did you use, I honestly cannot tell.
It looks that you did not post an image. If you are having difficulty doing so let us know and we will try to help.
Is that Rick Roll's living room?
good use of infinite space....!
perhaps a change of field of view would show some walls
As you can tell, we're all very helpful...
I use sketcup vray render engine
Gurkan, there are no images in your first post. If you need help for uploading images don't hesitate to ask.
I bet it rendered very quickly huh? Like instantly?
Now none of our sarcastic comments have any context...
I am not sure what type of comments you are looking for, so I will leave the design topic alone other than to say what you are depicting is probably closer to eclectic / transitional than it is traditional.
I think the lighting under the cabinet in the last image and the wall sconces look very natural. The rest of the lighting - not so much. The ceilings & lighting from there IMO really let the rest of your model / images down. The lighting sources seem unnatural and the burn spots seem odd at best.
I think good lighting would give your scene much more depth / mood to it. Look at some interiors magazines or web sites to compare what you see in the lighting and how it affects surfaces. The modeling and texturing seem very good and can look better with some adjustments to the lighting!
Ah. There's the pictures.
Very nice! Very well done!