I must admit, I have never really thought about it, but it's a YES from me
Even though I have never had any issues before, you can bet that I will sooner or later. So it would be a handy safety net.
I must admit, I have never really thought about it, but it's a YES from me
Even though I have never had any issues before, you can bet that I will sooner or later. So it would be a handy safety net.
Jason, I'll set the alarm for you
..do you prefer to be woken by music, or one of those annoying 'Beep Beep' sounds...??!!
@tig said:
No amount of money, no matter how small, is an insult...
But 'Nothing' is the insult - even 'Thanks' is 'something'...I get donations ranging from ~£1 to ~£100 - but usually modest sums.
But if I get £1 from some poor student in Africa, then it is actually worth more to me that the £10 from a Western professional - who has probably saved himself hours of time/angst using one of my tools, but chooses to donate only a small fraction of his total saving... but then at least he gave something!I write 'commercial tools', often costing several thousand pounds... but you rarely see them, or perhaps you use them as part of other tools without realizing my involvement...
My 'donationware' plugins were never intended to make me rich anytime soon... but they are given in a spirit that sometimes I wish was perhaps more reciprocated that it is...
A 'Thanks' now and again is welcomed...
Occasional 'advice' is also welcome.
But the 'complaining' I can really do without
Well mate, the offer stands if you ever visit Oz...!
oooops....sorry again for not bitchin'
....I guess i just can't get angry enough....!!
....I promise, I'm working on it..!
@mike lucey said:
@gareth said:
I'd much rather someone set a price, at least then I know I have not insulted or offended them by innocently undervaluing their work.
Gareth, I think many may feel this way and end up not supporting. The non commercial ruby developers for the most part do not do the work for big financial rewards but they do like to have their work appreciated and 'tipped'!
I think that an awful lot more than 1 in a 1000 would gladly buy TIG or ThomThom a cup of coffee or a drink if they met them out and about!
[attachment=0:913hky15]<!-- ia0 -->Support Creativity - Buy me a Coffee.jpeg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:913hky15]
So, the simple answer is to cover them for the price of a coffee or a drink if your flush! I can guarantee they will not be in the slightest bit insulted
Good point Mike....and I'd be quite happy to provide them with a place to stay if they ever visit 'Down Under'....!!
Wooooooaaaah.......i just checked one of my favourite Plugins, Shapebender
it has been downloaded more than 34,000 times (no doubt there are some plugins which are even more popular)
even for a very modest $10.....that would have been a nice little earner
but what is it really worth ?....much more I would suggest...!!
@rich o brien said:
@gareth said:
i am happily single now, and there is no room for a bitch...!!
you still got 99 problems though....
That many eh ??
....all i know is that one of them is costing me a bloody fortune....!!
ooooops....i'm off topic
i'd better have a bitch
....second thoughts, i am happily single now, and there is no room for a bitch...!!
I'd much rather someone set a price, at least then I know I have not insulted or offended them by innocently undervaluing their work.
@mike lucey said:
A true performer takes the criticisms in the same good grace as he does the praise.
Beautifully said....!
@alan fraser said:
@frederik said:
As Jason already have mentioned, SCF was born because Google were shutting the previous forum down and converting everything into Google Groups...
Let's not forget that if Google had not done that, SCF would have remained a private tutorial web-site founded by [i](gosh... I can't remember his name...)
Actually, that was me...and the name you are searching for is Coen Naninck.
I was a member back then too....and I am ashamed to say I had forgotten about Coen.
If anyone is still in touch with him, please send him my regards.
I have very fond memories of the forum back in those days....if I remember correctly when I joined in 2003/4 (my memory needs refreshing)there were only a thousand or so of us.
And it is hard to imagine that it was the days before all those wonderful plugins popped up, let alone render plugins....or if they were our there, I didn't know about them....!!
@chicos said:
I created an account here at sketchucation just so I could bitch!
welcome.....did you pick up your free BLT when you joined ?
@jpalm32 said:
@unknownuser said:
@bob-designer said:
Who should pay to fix basic Shetchup, we should.
• fix the printing.. (and not 'well, use layout for that'.. why?).. the sketchup printing setup is flawed.. bottom line. (for instance, it ignores wether or not a specified printer/paper has borders when doing it's scaling calculations.. it treats everything as if it's a borderless print but then you go to print and it spills out onto multiple sheets even though the sizing/scale are correct for a single page--- amongst a few other things.. too long to list at this point)
OMG! I got slammed for mentioning this by some cult leaders awhile back.
Printing truly sucks in SU. It's like a leap back 30 years.
good point....I'd forgotten about that....I surrendered a long time ago and began printing via Layout instead, but that isn't ideal when I am rushed. Thanks for reminding us...!!
@mike lucey said:
@tig said:
And 50% wrong
I'll keep looking on the bright side
Never noticed the Mac custom icons ..... then again, I'm having difficulty discerning between red and yellow!
there's a difference ?
uh huh......now I understand why nobody has liked my interior colour schemes lately...!!
I don't understand why this should be happening
If, for example, you simply drew your profile and then used the 'Follow Me' tool instead of the 'Profile Builder', does the same thing occur ?
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
@gareth said:
Jeff, that's the minimalistic look...!
Haha ! I laughed hard
i chuckled too.....but I always laugh at my own jokes...!!
good topic...good question....and simple straight forward replies in a language that us non geeky noobs can understand...!!
I'm about to switch over....if anyone is a noob around here it would be me and i am most likely to encounter a self inflicted issue when I install something.
You can look forward to plenty of screenshots.....and you can have a laugh at my expense..!!
Speed and stability are deal breakers for me too (as well as Plugin reliability).....so for that reason alone I'll most likely take it on.
After all, there is a limit to how many cups of coffee I can drink each time the program hangs when I'm working on a complex model....!!