Of course yes
@unknownuser said:
Curves and surfaces can be saved to 3DM, IGES, STEP, and SAT formats. A hidden line drawing can be saved to the PDF, AI, or DXF formats for printing or transfer to 2D illustration or 2D CAD programs. Polygon mesh data can be saved to OBJ, STL, 3DS, LWO, FBX, and SKP formats.
@unknownuser said:
MoI supports reading in curve and surface data from 3DM, IGES, STEP, and SAT files. 2D curves can be opened from PDF and AI files, and curves and drafting entities like lines, circles, and arcs can be opened from DXF files.
Moi can import Sat then export in SKP file!
Just a detail: if you have not a "single object" but numerous objects named inside Moi prefer the 3DS format against SKP format for Sketchup!
In Sketchup Explode one time the result!
Like this you can have many components named object 01, object 02 inside Sketchup!
And use the Comparaison components by Thomthom for reconstruct similar components as "Instances" if you have starting stricly identic compoenents!
(because Moi has not yet instances ! )
And you have now the inverse!
You can import OBJ file then subdivide it in Moi!
SKetchup -->obj By Tig for free version of Sketchup
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Export OBJ from Moi (Quad + Triangle) By Michael Gibson
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Subdiv Max Smirnov
Not Ngones!
[image: 9292594_orig.jpg]
Only quad + tri !
[image: 1112342_orig.jpg]
[image: 9652280_orig.jpg]