This is not an error. It is a warning.
Prior to Ruby 2.x, Win32API was a compiled .so file.
Then they (the Ruby Core project) deprecated it and began (with Ruby 2.0 in SketchUp 2014 thru 2016) distributing Ruby with a " Win32API.rb" wrapper file that defined wrapper calls using the DL standard library.
But later on (by Ruby 2.2.4 with SketchUp 2017 and higher,) even the DL standard library was deprecated, and the " Win32API.rb" wrapper file was rewritten to change the DL library calls into Fiddle library calls.
So even now with Ruby on the latest SketchUp, we would still expect old Win32API method calls to be translated correctly into Fiddle library calls.
The warning cannot be suppressed as it is stated at the top of the " Win32API.rb" wrapper file without condition. You will see it output to the console by the first extension that calls a require "Win32API".
Okay, but there is always a chance things could have been broken as changes to the Fiddle library might change with Ruby version changes.
The latest SketchUp 2021 is now up to Ruby version 2.7.2. SketchUp 2020 was using Ruby version 2.5.5.
Did you see differences between loading under these 2 Ruby versions ?
I would suggest using a Ruby Console opener like Eneroth's to see what other errors are output to the console. It is best when troubleshooting to switch off the extension so it does not load at startup, and then manually load it with the console open to see any other errors.