Oh, well here's a couple thread about that..
I don't know if they have what you need.
Why not use Marshall to store/restore very long strings ?
This works well to store all kinds of data, even organized as struct objects, in attributes.
Look here:http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/html/ref_m_marshal.html
My 2 cts,
If I remember right, I had a fully installed Ruby on my PC and took the REXML lib from it. The directory contains 55 files and five folders. I loaded it this way from my script:
require 'rexml/document' unless defined? REXML
If you also want to load this way you have to make sure that the Ruby interpreter search in the right place. Put the REXML folder to Plugins or Tools folder - should work with the above code.
To make sure that your script only runs if REXML is loaded, put this condition to your codee:
if defined? REXML
UI.messagebox "REXML is missed, can't load plugin."
Sorry for my late answer - I'm moving from town to town at the moment.
Actually I was wondering if I can preview an entiy drawing inside the webdialog before create it into current model. This will be used on entities created from parameters like width, length, etc.
As soon as the user change some of these parameters I could show a preview drawing and only after he hits Ok it creates the entity inside current model.
Any ideas?
I have found it, there is an application at the root of SketchUp SDK which is called Scrambler.exe.
You just need to run it from command prompt and pass the name of your Ruby file. It will generate a new file with the same name and RBS extension.
I think this is the best way to protect your routines by now.
Best regards,
Tudo bem, uma coisa que acho que seria interessante, principalmente para arquitetura, seria poder inserir ângulos em graus, minutos e segundos. Isso é possível em ruby?
Se te interessares, deixo este teste para ti.