Is there a plugin that does shadow color by layer? If not can someone help me to create one? I really need something like that for my work.
Is there a plugin that does shadow color by layer? If not can someone help me to create one? I really need something like that for my work.
Is it possible to give Scene Tabs colors so that it becomes possible to make groups? Or is there a plugin that can do that? If anyone can help me that would be great I've attached a photoshoped image to illustrate what I mean.
@jolran said:
I'm working on a parametric modeler that could hopefully(one day
) do this sort of things.
I was able to make this urban plan combining Jeff's Beer tool and this new Modelur Pre Beta, urban design plugin which in combination with a 'height-' 'and a build-up-area'-map really awesomefies Jeff's beer tool.
Click on the image for a larger one!
@jeff hammond said:
@gilles said:
Next step is multi- attractors
make two of those magnets and let the strengths fight each other
Yep like this image
@jeff hammond said:
here's possibly the most basic dynamic component ever made
haha...yes it always point to the center line but it is not magnetic. I tried to use the sketchyphysics tool but it only works for Sketchup7. And it is not easy to use.
Hi Jeff, I'm not trying to compete with Zaha. I have been using sketchup since the very beginning. In the beginning I started to do some simple architecture using sketchup but now years later I'm doing some pretty advanced architecture designs using sketchup where I'm trying to reach the limits of the program.
I'm very exited about sketchup2015 because the 64bit version makes much more possible.
Off course I can use Rhino to do some modelling. But at the end my clients want to see a Sketchup model because for them a sketchup model is easy to read.
@jeff hammond said:
@flippie123 said:
I did some experimenting with the pathcopy tool and some curved lines. I used 2 magnetic points here. But it will become really interesting if I can add 3,4 or 5 magnetic points.
I'm just a user...not a developer, but I can assure everyone that we are using sketchup to make the most awesome architecture here in our office.
don't you guys have a copy of rhino in your office?
i'm pretty sure zaha used paneling tools to create this.. possibly in conjunction with a custom script..
it's super powerful for various types of attractors etc..[attachment=0:ddwi3rqq]<!-- ia0 -->Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 10.59.16 AM.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ddwi3rqq]
@box said:
On a side note, there is always Sketchy Physics for using Magnetism.[...]
But it's a magnetic thread so I had to do something.heh.. neat
@box said:
On a side note, there is always Sketchy Physics for using Magnetism. But I can't imagine how that could be translated into fixed positions not to mention the time it takes to set things up. Perhaps the inner workings of SUPhy can lend something to another plugin.
But it's a magnetic thread so I had to do something.
waaaah! This looks very cool!
I did some experimenting with the pathcopy tool and some curved lines. I used 2 magnetic points here. But it will become really interesting if I can add 3,4 or 5 magnetic points.
I'm just a user...not a developer, but I can assure everyone that we are using sketchup to make the most awesome architecture here in our office.
I also added some cool architecture pics
I agree, with the magnet there are 2 center-points that attract all the iron dust. All the edges are not all pointing towards the same spot, but every objects center-point is pointing towards the object next to it. Please look at attached image01 and image02 to explain in words...
Image01: shows a Magnetic needle board with a standard magnet.
Image02: shows a Magnetic needle board with a U-shaped magnet.
**Image03:**shows the plotting lines of force using a magnetic compass.
Image04: shows how it works in 3D.
Image06: shows a single point
Image07: shows a magnet surrounded by many compasses
Image08: shows 2 magnets interacting
I find it really hard to draw these kinds of pattern in Sketchup without a tool.
I attached an image of an urban plan which illustrates what I want to make. It would also be nice if this thing works in 3D.
Is there anyone out there who can help me with this?
Is there something like a magnetic tool for sketchup2015pro which can make components face towards a center-line or center-point? Similar to 'always face camera' but I'm looking for 'always face center-line'
This is what I want:
**Image01:**One red cube in the center has a center-line. Red Cube is surrounded by white (component) cubes.
**Image02:**All the white cubes turn and face towards the center-line of the red cube. I can move the red cube around and the white cubes will still always face the red cubes center-line, similar to the 'always face camera' option in the component screen.
Image03: Shows an iron-ore powder and magnet Physics experiment. I hope I can make these kinds of patterns with a Sketchup magnetic tool in the future. This will allow me to make organic patterns which I can use for architecture and urban planning.
This is very close to what I wanted to make. Thanks guys!
I will have a look at that 'Helix' plugin too! It looks interesting.
This plugin works very well. I divided the my lines into 10 pieces before using the 'follow me and rotate' to make the shape more smooth. Next thing I will do is try to make a more complex shape.
@cotty said:
@massimo said:
Have you already tried this one? at the last image of the first post, this might be the better way...
[attachment=0:3b604wyj]<!-- ia0 -->far.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3b604wyj]
I'm using the 'follow me and rotate' plugin now. It seems to work fine for a simple shape but with a more complex shape it get's difficult.
@cotty said:
The plugin component stringer should help you here.
(don't double post)
The component stringer does not work for this. Please have a look at the attached picture. That is the result after using component stringer
Rotate extrude?
It there a plugin that can rotate a section around an axis and extrude the shape along a curved line at the same time?
What I want to achieve:
1: divide a curved line into equal parts.
2: take any flat shape and extrude it along the curved line.
3: but when it extrudes the shape must rotate around it's central axis. A certain amount of degrees.
Something similar like a torus, but not round.
Is there someone who can write me a plugin who can do that, or is there already a plugin like that available?