Really impressive and good presentation! I've learned some usefull stuff of it asswell:)
Game Development presentation 3D Basecamp 2005
RE: Problems when exporting
Thx for the help man
Well let's try to get some older installer of SU somewhere... Someone?
Oh i know some place where to... -
RE: [WIP]Game Design Project
@chezet said:
Looks awesome. I'd love to know where you got the plugin. Or did you first convert the model to 3ds max?
We've first converted it to 3DS Max, tough it got's no lighting... So it quite sucks alot at the moment...
RE: Deck and Shade Structure
Looking very good and clean! I'm also hoping it'll get build!
RE: Problems when exporting
Tried on severall models with several filetypes (jpg, png, bmp)
No succes, i've also imported a model of 123.560 poly's, usually
it takes some seconds to load the model into the editor, but now it
just says the polycount and nothing moreEDIT:
Tough... it's very very weird... I've done it a hundred times before...
now it doesn't work that well...EDIT2:
Someone else of the team has tried to put something ingame in the game engine we're going to use, with no succes... the same problem there:Everything fine in 3DS Max... eveyrthing seems to be fine in MeD (Map Editor, mapped on 0.0.0) teleported to the right location (0.0.0) nothing to see there -
RE: Problems when exporting
It's maybe for a new game project i'm starting...
Now i've been testing again with 3DS Max... but not in IrrEdit.. and if I can't see it in IrrEdit i won't be able to see it ingame either
I've also exported it than from 3DS Max, with no result
Let's see of reinstalling SU for the third time will help... -
RE: [WIP]Game Design Project
Here some very WIP'ish ingame screens -
RE: Problems when exporting
Ok, thx man...
I see the ones you've exported, tough... I don't see the one's i export
It used to work before when I before, but i recently reinstalled SU and the
exported files don't work...Here's my exported 3ds file: -
RE: Problems when exporting
It's here for download: -
Problems when exporting
Last time i've been trying to export from sketchup to 3DS Max/IrrEdit,
tough my objects are invisble in both programs...
The model is also invisible when importing back to SU, i tried
".3ds" and ".obj" files, both fail...
I find it very weird, because it worked for me before...
These are my settings:
(and yes i've got something selected when i try to export)Greetz...
Also tried to export full hierarchy... without succes -
RE: Using 'instancing/proxies' is fun
Looking good! I really hope this will be supported to in the future of the excelent Podium plugin
Johannes R. -
RE: SketchUp "Ribbon Art"
I really like the last one you've made! It really looks impresive!
It's getting a new desgin for meto be creating a new building
Yeez, thanks man! Keep up this work! I really can't imagine how to make something like thisGreetz...
Johannes R. -
RE: [WIP]Game Design Project
Well, it's not a CS map, it's more a map for GTA SA, we're making a mod (total conversion), we'll change everything, islands, cars, effects, missions,...
We're allready a project running on some GTA Forums, but we wanted to show off here some exclusive content, because we're actually working "behind the scenes" now, tough i wanted to
show something... so that's why i posted it hereHere a litlle bit of progress, hadn't got alot of time these days...
As you can see there's a big halfcircle of free space in the highway's corner...
I really don't know what to do with it... maybe a very litlle industrial space?Thx all for the support till now!!
Johannes R.EDIT:
I'll post some ingame pictures over some days if you want -
RE: A Workbench on Old Linen
Looking very good! I would love tho have that style to, but is this the right forum for it?
RE: [WIP]Game Design Project
@Remus: Yup, all SU
@Jenujacob: Thx
@Bubbalove: Some of these renders are quickly taken with Podium, that's why there are soft shadows