HI, you were correct in that I had to complete my lines.
I was able to fix it up without redrawing.
@dave r said:
Eric, in a nutshell, making a component (or group) of the walls is akin to wrapping them up in Saran wrap. You can see them but the "wrapper" protects them from being modified and protects other geometry from being affected by that geometry inside the wrapper. If you do need to make changes to the contents of the component/group, you open it for editing and do your thing. Think adding a slice of cheese to a sandwich wrapped in the cling wrap.
It may actually be better to start over in this case. You have some parallel nearly coincident lines in a few places. Shoot for a single face for all connected walls. No lines crossing from one side of the wall to the other. If you plan to make the walls 3D at some point, this will make it a lot easier.
It'll go faster next time, too.