... by the way this is how the render looks without photoshop!!!
RE: Gral Grievous
RE: Gral Grievous
then after all this work to model and import you can rest making a render of the model to show in this forum
this picture was render in v-ray for sketchup, i used the skp sun and one more ligth.
RE: Gral Grievous
this is the model imported and optimized in skp, if you want a copy go to http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9d02b6d85b0148aeace834e6a161a600
Gral Grievous
I don't make this in skp it was all donne in rhino v4.0 and then exported to skp. I want to learn this software beacause is very easy to design organic architecture with him. SketchUp is my main tool, exellent for design and development an idea and model anything incluide this model, but in rhino is very easy to change and edit curves and stuff like that only editing the basic curves that automatic generate the curved surface, then imported in skp to continue developmente the idea. The two softwares works very good together and they are complementary. This is my first model with rhino it's easy to learn, it comes with tutorials, user guide and two manuals.
this is the file i used to do the model, is inspired in a toy from the cartoon clone wars, not from the movie: Episode III
RE: Using SP for class project
I'm a teacher in Lima Peru and also use the Sketchy physics in my class of architecture bioclimatic, some months ago we had a very destructive earthquake (7.9 scale of Rigther) the class went to one of the most damaged towns called "Sunampe" and saw lot of mistaques in the construction of the houses. This encourage me to make this short video as a part of the "construccion con adobe" (construction with land) class. The video helps a lot, great tool!!!
RE: SketchyPhysics Alpha
CPhillips thanks for considering the idea and sorry for my late answer, as you said save the model is the solution, for me this open a lot of new possibities like make a simple skeleton to a design character and pose the figure in contex to make a draw... all inside sketchup instead to learn and buy poser (i know poser is a much more powerfull program but it's only for this then i needed)
...one more question is in yours planes to add a feature to make the sketchyphysics an executable? (.exe) something like blender with his gamengine, it will be very cool to have a feature like that, view and walk to the model from a human point of view, open doors with the sliders, jump to a selected scene, all of this without the possibilty to edit the model. this two tools will combine perfect with this idea: a bake ligth tool inside sketchup http://www.youtube.com/user/adambillyard and a video texture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfr8cLZNvWg
RE: Old and dirty render
Displacement....have you tried crazybump?
it seems a good program to make displacement maps, this is the web: http://www.crazybump.com/ -
RE: SketchyPhysics Alpha
hi! i was wondering if there's a way to lock the pose in SketchyPhysics, maybe with an example i can explain myself (english is not my first language) i downloaded the model of the robot arm, open the model, push the play physics button and start to move the fingers and made a cool pose, but when i finish and use others sketchup buttons the pose is lost, my question is: there is a way to not lose this pose or save it, stay with the worked pose and continue working with the tools of sketchup, draw something, etc? (maybe save in a layer?)
This is very important also in my work as an architect to design solar protection windows and stuff like this. Amazing tool by the way, thanks!!
RE: Old and dirty render
Finally remplace the textures whit the new one and render (image bellow), the finally image (firts in this post)is the result of retouching in photoshop for the rigth look = contrast,burn and desaturate. Hope you find this information useful!
Old and dirty render
Hi! this is my new render very different of my usual work, render engine: v-ray set primary and secondary engine: ligth cache, no ligths, small size= very quick render.
I satarted ( in case you whant to know how i did it
) with a simple room and add dirty textures.
Then with the unfold.rb y flatten the model and export as a jpg (left), then open in photoshop and make more dirty and less patern textures (rigth).
RE: New Artlantis image - c&c very welcome.
HI marcday great work as usually, i'm big fan of your tutorial of the worncall technique!! if you guys don't know about this you can see it here: http://www.pushpullbar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3064&highlight=worncall+technique it's amazing what you can do with SketchUp an d Photoshop. also marday i have contribuite to it with the styles for sketchup 6 sinse the ruby to follow your tutorial can't work in skp 6 only in 5
[Tutorial > Modeling] model without draw a poligon
Hi!! this is my first post in this comunity, so i whant to contribute with a tutorial, some weeks ago i whant to model a real toy i have but i don't spend hours model it (a lot of curved parts), the solution was scan the parts, open the jpg in photoshop make a selection of the parts an converted in paths, this make the contours of the selections a vectorial draw just like when you draw a poligon in sketchup. Then exported this paths in ilustrator form (.ai), open corel draw, ilustrator or another vectorial program and import the file with the paths made in photoshop. then export this file in DWG format (this is the autocad format), this step is only for change the format of the paths because sketchup can't import illustrator files.
open sketchup and import de DWG file make in corel, the result it's just like if you draw the lines in sketchup!!! make a poligon of the lines then with the "push pull bar tool" and extrude them, now you can work whit this poligons the same way if you draw all in sketchup, it means that you can convert a jpg file in a poligon in skp, this jpg may be a draw of your ow or a photo
...all the details and model for this tutorial are: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=1326bbcf92ba301edf82eb99e0346aad (i can't attach the file beacause is too big), the picture is the final result of this tutorial, hope you can found this information useful