Hi everybody, I have just downloaded the plugin joint push pull, it's the one that I'm just looking for, thanks for the help,
RE: Multiple Face Extrusion in SU
Multiple Face Extrusion in SU
Hello there, I am just wondering if it is possible in SU to choose or select multiple faces and then extruding or offsetting them all at once, I usually do is to pick then extrude/push, select then push,it a hard really when modeling a lot of windows, hope someone of the masters out there can lend me a hand, thanks you
RE: SU w/ multiple viewports
Yes Solo exactly like that, hope its not just an image, if those were view ports that would be great, did you use a plug in or script for that.
RE: SU w/ multiple viewports
Well, i just though there must be a plug in or something, i find it sometime hard to shift from different scenes, again & again. If we could open all scenes at one time in one window that would be good.
SU w/ multiple viewports
Is it possible for SU to have multiple viewports like that of max? Or is ther a plugin for this? It would really be useful, to see all 4 views when modelling.
RE: Sample Render
Hello honolulu, thanks I will fix that, and about the reflections I'm having some trouble with vray glass settings, would be a great help if anybody could give idea bout this.
Sample Render
Hello, this a render I did w/ Vray, modelled in SU (some p.p in PS), can take a look, and needs some suggestion and crits to improve my settings, thanks
RE: Help w/ vray glass settings
Hello Kwisten,thank you for the info I will try that,
RE: Silvershadow's eye candy 1: The river runs thru it
hello silvsershadow, since i saw ur work done in sketchup i cant believe those can really be done using su, now i will be using it for all my projs, hope to see more of your tutorials, specially w/ window glass effects, thanks
Help w/ vray glass settings
Hi, I have been using sketchup for sometime now, but mostly for initial design stages (sketches), it is my first time to actually render inside sketchup, i would gladly appreciate a suggestion for vray glass setting, here is a render i did but the window glass seems wrong.