@box said:
Select it after making the copy, go to Entity info and change the layer for it there.
Still doesn't work.
@box said:
Select it after making the copy, go to Entity info and change the layer for it there.
Still doesn't work.
You can make copies of the component or group and assign a different layer to each one of them. So you could have Component A1 on Layer I, Component A2 on Layer II, and Component A3 on Layer III and then choose which copy is visible in each of Scenes 1, 2, and 3.
When I make copies it still keeps its original layer.
Thank you for replying.
@pbacot said:
In the entities window each object has the layer listed. You can change the layer of the object by using the layer fly-out menu in the entity window.
When I copy and paste the original group or component into a different scene with a new layer it has no effect.
Why do you want it on two different layers? Keep it on Layer I. Make Layer I visible in Scene 1 and Scene 2.
I want to keep the same perspective, shadows, etc. and still change the original group or component a bit.
How does one switch layers of an object in a file?
For example, one has Objects A, B, C, Scenes 1,2,3, and Layers I, II,III. Object A in Scene 1 is on Layer I. One wants to use Object A in Scene 2 on Layer II. One seems to always have to copy and paste Object A into a different file in SU, move it to the default layer, and then paste it back into the original file in Scene 2 on Layer II. Isn't there a method to change the layers of the object without cutting and pasting into a different file?
Can one export a DXF, DWG, or EPS with cymk color instead of rgb? Also, can one determine the line width?
Can one get a dimension line to stick to a round object - for example, a pipe? Can one use a dimension line to measure the length of a pipe?
I have a bitmap, png, of a fruit without a background. when it's imported into SU it has a white background and interferes with the image. Can one Trim a Bitmap?
JGA, perhaps because it has to be *.rbz and not *.rb
It seems that one may not soften all of the lines at once - interior faces, border edges, perimeter edges [one face] or those edges with more that two faces, etc.
Post factum, in order to export a 2D Graphic image (jpg or tiff), without the unwanted black lines: One may export the image twice, once with the edges on and another one with the edges off.
May we petition Trimble to include this basic feature?
May one easily toggle between tools?
In other programs, for example, if one is using the "line tool" one may press on the space bar and the tool goes back to the "select tool". He may press on the space bar again and the tool goes back to the "line tool".
Can one change the default settings for the Dimension Tool? One can change for each file via Window/Model Info. Can one change the settings for all of his new models?
Thank you Dave R and Box.
In Coreldraw, one may constrain the vertical or horizontal movement by pressing Ctrl and dragging the mouse. Now, I realize that it's not really possible in SU. Though, one may approximate it if he has a very steady hand and by using the axis.
@remus said:
you could always just hold ctrl while your orbiting, this will turn of the 'turntable' effect you usually get.
Holding control while rotating should constrain the rotation?
@djh said:
@box said:
My first gif shows me simply using orbit with the the middle mouse button. No tricks or fancy hardware. Just click and drag horizontally.
?Just click the left button,the right button, or the middle button?
When I click using the middle button, it is not constrained. I can't keep the blue axis line at 12:00 6:00. I have a new mouse.
@box said:
My first gif shows me simply using orbit with the the middle mouse button. No tricks or fancy hardware. Just click and drag horizontally.
?Just click the left button,the right button, or the middle button?
@box said:
I guess it'll be two years again for the next installment.
Box, I got a new mouse. The middle button works, but I can't orbit precisely.
How may one fix a model so that the shadows don't cast below the ground? The model/object is exactly at the point where the red/blue/green axes meet, yet the shadow is cast below the ground.
Solved my own problem.
Somehow, the axes moved above their original position. Right clicked one axis/reset.
@pilou said:
Maybe also something like a "morphing" thing?
A cube becomes a pyramid in a number of step wanted!
(rotate included at some places if wished too with a twisted curve)Or this ? (with 2D +Path by Kirill2008 )
pilou, thanks for responding. I saw the instructions that you attached. I selected all, right clicked, and ... nothing happened.If I right click, shouldn't there be some kind of option to morphing?