Hi Djcorbetto, hi folks.
After drawing the cylinder, draw another one to be used as drilling bit.
Orient the drilling bit properly using the Move Tool and the Rotate Tool untill it is positionned in such a way that it intersect the first cylinder.
Once this positionning is done, select the drilling bit (well ... the second cylinder) and do an intersection. Delete unwanted parts. If you have the Pro version, as it seems to be the case. you can use the Solid Tools to subtract the second cylinder from the first.
Beware that, in SU, geometries are sticky. They attached themselves to other geometries. In your case, it would be preferable to first group the second cylinder since making groups and component is the only way to avoid interaction between geometric entities. This separation is very useful in allowing precise positioning of a geometry in regard to another.
However, keep in mind that geometries must be in the same context for intersection to work. You will need to Explode the group before doing the intersection. The Solid tools, on the other hand, require that the objects that must interact, be individual groups.
Search and read the help about all the above mentionned Tools and functions.
Just ideas.